Complexity Demon Thule You [5-2 UK Nats]

lif3line 471

This deck is the Complexity Demon Corp to @cableCarnage's Grug Brained Runner.. which is fitting because it got completely clubbed by it. I did manage to kill Esâ with Mavirus though so I'm counting this deck as an absolute win!

I mostly wanted to meme out Stegodon MK IV and make runners have to re-evaluate all their runs and risk assessments, basically force runners to deal with a bunch of extra complexity. So what better ID than one that also taxes the runner when they actually steal Agendas! I think this is what actually gave the deck some legs on the day; I noticed while testing it that runners would never take the core damage. Previous iterations had a kill package and Nightmare Archive jammed in, but my opponents are all much cleverer than me and play around the kill. So, I figured I'd try and use that against them by ditching the package entirely and stealing most of @Sokka's incredible deckbuilding talent, but with less good cards and more memes borrowed from fellow tank enjoyers.

The game plan is primarily to score out Stegodon early behind some gear checks, do some many-server shenanigans for the next few Agendas by baiting runs that you make expensive with the Stegodon trigger then score the last points behind Manegarm plus a bunch of Formicarys or off the Biotic Labor. Putting out 2-3x Megaprix Qualifier behind near-useless ICE feels very satisfying when the runner nabs one and you get the extra point off the other one.

Fully Operational really powers the deck; put it back in with Spin or fish it out of Archives with a cheeky Vitruvius counter.

Sadaka did its tech job of blowing up The Twinning so we don't lose long games or Bankhar as a speed bump. Stavka is mostly in here to take out the turtle and sometimes a runner without 9 to pay for Carmen with the trash + Stegodon trigger.

Massive thanks to @paulyg and all the organisers for putting on a great tournament, it was my first real tournament and I had a great time even if I did need the Sunday to recover. Shoutout to @Swiftie for believing me when I told him my double upgraded scoring remote didn't have an Agenda in it while I was at 5 points. Also shoutout to @AceEmpress for some really fun games before lunch that I'm increasingly convinced fae let me win..

Quick Fire Q&A

Wouldn't this be better as an Asa deck? Yes, but then I couldn't ask people if they'd like to take a lil core damage as a treat.

What if the runner realises there's no kill threat? Panic.

Don't the mind games fold with open decklists? Yes, which is why I made the executive decision to not be good enough to make the cut.

Don't Kit and Hermes mess up your day? It's fine, no one plays Hermes!