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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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Pre-rotation decklist |
CodeMarvelous piloted this deck to 8th place (going 3-2) in swiss at the DC Regionals on 6/10/17.
The game plan is typical Blue Sun: Powering the Future shenanigans, but taking advantage of some new AI hate cards, now that Eater decks have gotten pretty popular. If they're not on the AI-only plan, you can rush behind Mother Goddess to force the runner to go get an AI breaker, then take advantage of your AI hate.
I think the deck can do really well in a meta without D4V1D, but definitely suffers with the prevalence of Employee Strike. Keep the Hostile Takeovers to clear annoying currents, but more counter-currents would probably be a wise addition.
12 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
Laughs at decks teched for SYNC. Was a pleasure to finally see it in action, even if you did blow up my house. |
12 Jun 2017
I feel that a judge would be really good here, thats what the BS list I saw when I was at Nats was doing and it was brutal with MCA informant. Worst case they know what is up and just don't install connections, which is actually really good for you. Im not a big BS player, idk what to cut, maybe a ice? Or best defense? |
12 Jun 2017
My big question, Restructure hasn't rotated yet, this deck doesn't use Barney, so why IPO instead of Restructure? It has a higher opportunity cost, nets the same return, and has a 'End the Turn' clause that restructure doesn't. This isn't the only deck I've seen that does I missing something here or is it just people playing the new shiny card instead? |
12 Jun 2017
12 Jun 2017
a) It was new and shiny b) I didn't feel like figuring out the number of each But I decided against the analysis because I kept finding that the lower cost to entry is not insignificant. There's a huge difference between having an IPO in your opening hand vs. having a restructure. That is, Blue Sun is often rich, but not always. Being able to ice HQ to block siphon, play Hedge Fund and then IPO can be terrifying enough to put a runner off of running. A similar thing could be said of Restructure, but you you'd have to click for a credit, losing the ability to play the ice. Though if this deck played Barney I would definitely have Restructure, instead. |
12 Jun 2017
13 Jun 2017
I feel Consulting Visit should be a 3-off. It's any operation you want it to be. It's the star in this deck. And if you can fit in an Archived Memories that's probably worth it. I personally prefer Restructure over IPO, mainly because it allows you to play Hard-Hitting News or MCA Informant afterwards. If you play Scarcity of Resources, you really need 2. Runners really want to clear this current, and so they will. Paywall Implementation is an other possibility, you can even play it with Bryan if the situation allows you to, but if you play Bryan you probably need ways to HHN them more often to get them below 6 at least once. While Elizabeth Mills can be a great card, I'm wondering if it's worth the slot. What locations do you usually trash? |
13 Jun 2017
Elizabeth Mills takes out NACH or Salsette Slums; important cards to keep off the table. Additionally, it clears the bad publicity from Hostile Takeover, and can bait runs. |
13 Jun 2017
I thought about going with Hunter Seeker instead, but on the turn after an agenda steal, my priority is Midseason Replacements. |
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Great list.