A Teia: IP Recovery

A Teia: IP Recovery

Identity: Division
Deck size: 45 • Influence: 15

Limit 2 remote servers.

The first time each turn you install a card in the root of or protecting a remote server, you may install 1 card from HQ in the root of or protecting another remote server, ignoring all costs. You cannot score the second card this turn.

Caveant Fugitivi.
Illustrated by Marlon Ruiz
Decklists with this card

The Automata Initiative (tai)

#39 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does A Teia: IP Recovery meet its trigger condition when Tatu-Bola swaps with an ice from HQ?


  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Can the Corp, playing as A Teia: IP Recovery, use Mitosis to create two new remote servers, then use A Teia: IP Recovery’s ability to install an additional card in the root of or protecting one of these servers?

    No. Each instance of installing a card is always resolved as a separate instruction, so A Teia: IP Recovery’s conditional ability can only resolve immediately after the first card is installed with Mitosis. If the Corp chooses to install a card with A Teia: IP Recovery's ability, they will necessarily already have 2 remote servers. It will not be possible to create a new server after this point, so a second card cannot be installed with Mitosis.

  • Updated 2024-09-06

    What happens if there is more than two remote servers when an effect disabling A Teia: IP Recovery's "Limit 2 remote servers." ability (such as Employee Strike or Direct Access) ends?

    The game state is now illegal, so in the next checkpoint after A Teia: IP Recovery's ability becomes active again, the Corp must choose exactly 2 remote servers they will keep. The game trashes all cards in and protecting all other remote servers. This trashing cannot be prevented.

  • Updated 2024-09-06

    What happens if the previous situation occurs while Architect is rezzed protecting a remote server?

    Per its errata, only players and their card abilities are prohibited from trashing a rezzed Architect. Since the game, not the Corp, trashes the cards in the servers the Corp doesn't keep, Architect's ability does not affect it. The Corp is not required to choose a server protected by Architect as a server they keep.


When I first saw this ID, can’t help wondering what makes it unique.Just as Diogene cleverly pointed out,A Teia: IP Recovery is an ID which grants corporations with a huge amount of tempo.However,when I dive into it deeper, I find out what really makes A Teia: IP Recovery shines:flexibility.

Considering the current jinteki card pool and IDs. AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World is designed for a glacier based strategy.Jinteki: Restoring Humanity is suitable for sneaking out agendas.Jinteki: Personal Evolution is the home to some of the most dangerous decks.Issuaq Adaptics: Sustaining Diversity has some of the most amazing combos to out pace the runners.

If you took a closer look at A Teia: IP Recovery, you might find some interesting clues.A Teia: IP Recovery is possible to host all the strategy above (glacier,rush,fast advance,kill,sneak).Thanks to the double install, A Teia: IP Recovery grants us..Jinja City Grid help build two tower at once.The two servers can serve as a perfect Fork to host Urtica Cipher and Clearinghouse ,whlie also making Regenesis much easier to fire.Combined with some R&D protection , it would make the pass to victory much smoother for a jinteki player.Not to mention jinteki has the best card recursion ,as well as some of the best encounter effects .

This is what A Teia: IP Recovery is good at:tactics ,combos and endless variations.Runners can never out guess what is in server. This is the essence of jinteki.This is the reason why A Teia: IP Recovery is my favorite identity.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)

Efficiency in Jinteki. This ID reminds me of Saraswati Mnemonics: Endless Exploration, where you gain efficiency through the ID ability, a rare thing for Jinteki.

The ability of A Teia: IP Recovery is a strange combination of Jinja City Grid and Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance, using the Jinteki card pool.

Four main uses have been done with the ID ability.

  1. Build a very tall remote, since ice placement is free. Allowing you to become an hyper glacier. Here, you want a fair amount of upgrades (Adrian Seis, Mavirus, etc.) to put in the second remote to place an ice for free in the first remote.

  2. Benefit from out of turn card placement, coming from Daruma, Tucana, Bran 1.0, Tatu-Bola, Project Yagi-Uda, Ablative Barrier and Timely Public Release. Those cards will let you install ANY card in the other remote (even an agenda)! This will allow the corp to kinda fast advance a 3-2 agenda or even a 4-2 agenda if combine with Seamless Launch.

  3. Benefit from in turn card install to increase the efficiency of the deck, with cards like Arella Salvatore, The Powers That Be, Tucana, Bioroid Work Crew and Jinja City Grid.

  4. Place more threats on the board, to make to remotes that will be fairly robust and still have clicks to advance a card in both remote, or double advance one card. With all the traps in the Jinteki card pool, the runner might be weary of running anything.

This is probably the Jinteki ID that is the most fun to play, but challenging because of the possible interactions in and out of turn.

Art, name (which means "the web") and quote (which means "let fugitives beware") all go together beautifully. The ability of the ID however does not seem to fit with all of this, but maybe in a transversal kind of way it does? Still, very well made identity, great job!

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)