Robin (The Hooded Man)

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apo 462

I went through multiple iterations with Adam, and so far the following list seems to work really well. Haven't changed a card here in last ten games or so. Tried many approaches, but this straightforward package suits me the best.

Adam is tight on influence, but really spoiled for deck slots. Easily found space for Infiltration, forgot how good this card is! Not sure about Traffic Jam, so far didn't pull its weight. 2x Infiltration might be better, but I thought I need at least an illusion of anti FA tech here.

NBN is the toughest matchup. If turn one you don't have neither Dirty Laundry nor Armitage, you're better off ABR-ing archives. Running into SanSan in the central first click of the game means gg if you can't bounce with $. Kill matchups are fine, just be rich and hold lots of cards - Adam is good at both of those things. If really needed use Dr. Lovegood to blank Safety First to boost your grip even more.

If the corp tries to cut you off from suckers, Overmind and ABR should be enough to dig you out.

I would love 3rd SMC and Clot, but you can't have everything I guess.


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