Razor's Edge

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Lorkan 12

10 Mar 2015 Lorkan

Playing this deck is like walking the razor's edge. You win some-you lose some but it's always a thrill. No game lasts longer than 15 minutes. R&D protects itself. Sealed Vault and and Cerebral Static are against the most annoying Cards (Account Siphon, Quetzal: Free Spirit and Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman)

10 Mar 2015 jacobjorvang

You could combine Mental Health Clinic with Komainu and/or Sweeps Week. Don't see the point of it otherwise.

Also, Mental Health Clinic is anti-synergi with Shock!, Snare!, Shi.Kyū and other sources of damage. If all you've got is bad ICE and traps, then at least don't give the runner extra cards.

Combine Celebrity Gift with 3 x Subliminal Messaging or don't bother.

Mother Goddess should be combined with something that provides a bonus, such as NEXT Bronze & NEXT Silver.

Even with Mushin No Shin none of your agendas are one-turners, none of your traps are advanceable and almost all your ICE is easy to get through. The runner will see right through it and take everything you try to score.

10 Mar 2015 Lorkan

Thanks for the Feedback. Yes, that is what often happens. Advancable traps cost valuable deckspace and were too often trashed from R&D and HQ. Cerebral Overwriter and Project Junebug never ever triggered. That is why I dumped them. Only End The run ICE. I want to score a 3 Pointer 2nd Turn with Mushin No Shin + End teh Run ICE and keep the Runner on his toes ideally.

Mental Health Clinic is just a cheap way to get easy money. I'd like to use Marked Accounts, but I need all my Influence for Drawing cards with the Clearances. Mother Goddess should force the Runner to get an AI breaker or go home, Same for Chimera.

11 Mar 2015 slobad31

Have you considered Hive? Until you score your first agenda, it'll be extremely taxing on the runner. If you drop a Blue Level Clearance and go +1 Medical Research Fundraiser, you could fit it in. I run a Harmony MedTech with a similar strategy: netrunnerdb.com If you want to keep the runner out while you score, I'd also recommend Ash 2X3ZB9CY and Caprice Nisei. Also, if you run Architect, you don't have to worry as much about the runner trashing your assets, as it can get them right back for you :)

12 Mar 2015 Lorkan

Hmm, I like the idea of Hive Maybe swapping one Blue Level Clearance may be worth it. I am sure to try it out. With regard to the Upgrades, what to replace? Jackson Howard or Sealed Vault? Maybe Lotus Field? I am not sold on Architect, But I considered Kitsune, since often I have a Snare! or Shi.Kyū in HQ. What do you think?

12 Mar 2015 slobad31

Kitsune could be a lot of fun. Once you get one Shi.Kyū to stick, they have to steal half of your agendas in order to win. Regarding upgrades, I think you could afford to lose Sealed Vault. Personally, I'm not sure triple Shock! is all that impactful, since they don't really have a reason to run Archives once it's there, so you could drop one or two of those. You really want the runner to access your other two traps anyway, and I think Caprice Nisei's utility is far superior to Shock! in this kind of deck. You could also use the influence from the vault to include one Wraparound in place of the Paper Wall. It's amazing against Eater and other AIs, and it forces them to dig for their fracter, which is hilarious, because you only run two barriers (3 if you include Hive).

On another note, I'd recommend dropping at least one Mother Goddess. She's unique, so anything beyond the first is a dead draw. Beyond that, once you rez another non-mythic ICE, she becomes that type, which would no longer require an AI breaker. Also, is there a particular reason you're running double Guard? Is it just because it ends the run? Mimic breaks it for 1 cred, and it doesn't really tax the runner much. I think you could probably replace one with Komainu. For one more cred, you get the potential ability to wipe out the runner's hand (or hit their credit pool, if they pay to break it). It seems like a good piece of ICE for HQ, since The Future Perfect protects itself.

Hope this helps!

13 Mar 2015 Lorgar

For me the ice-structure doesn`t fit. I also agree with slobad31 that one Guard is enough and a Komainu could support the deck, although it's expansive. A Tsurugi is a bit harder against Parasite. With a lot of Anarchs in the environment after O&C I would drop the the Chimera completely. It's an easy target for Parasite. Himitsu-Baku plus Quandary is just better than the Chimera count it for your self. Better add also one Lotusfield. Play Crisium Grid instead of Sealed Vault. It secures your deck against Account Syphon and Keyhole.

In such and Deck as yours I would play 3 Himitsu-Baku, 3 Quandary and 2 Grim plus Agressive Secretary. In this way you may destroy runner's programs and score agendas via Fast Track.

Lorkan, you are a funny guy! You say Celebrial Static against Quetzal with 2 barriers in the deck! Just play a second Himitsu-Baku, it costs also 2c but stays on the table after an agenda is scored. Why not 3 Himitsu-Baku and "Lady" is nearly empty after one run.

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