Let's update these reviews for modern times! The Foundry is an identity whose ability opens up all sorts of possibilities. A great many of them have been discussed below, but let's start by looking at some more combos the Lost and Foundry can do for us in this day and age, from the reasonable to the awful, awful jank.

The first and foremost card that should be mentioned that I haven't seen below is The Twins, which at one influence to splash and an ability that perfectly synergizes should be a card carefully considered. Rez one Janus 1.0? How about two Januses, eight brain damage, and death to all Runners? On the note of brain damage, what about Brainstorm? Using Oversight AI or Bioroid Efficiency Research to rez these threats ahead of time can buy you valuable time to score out delicious agendae while they dig for killers.

Secondly, something that's started entering the meta following the Flashpoint cycle is the concept of trashable ICE -- though the name is somewhat misleading. A better nomenclature would probably be "on-encounter" or "trap" ICE (not to be confused with actual trap ICE). On-encounter ICE was prototyped with Archangel, introducing the idea of ICE (and therefore subroutines) that could fire from RnD, acting as a trap like Shock or Snare. Not including Archangel, which can't be trashed, on-encounter ICE consists of:

With the Foundry's effect, it's possible to tutor these pieces of ICE (and therefore traps) into your hand, making HQ more dangerous to access, as well as prompting the runner to spend valuable to trash them. Of course, this necessitates installing them first and getting them rezzed, but the ability to make HQ more hazardous for essentially free is always a bonus. However, you will notice that none of these pieces of ICE are native to HB, which makes the 6 influence cost of importing a 3-off a hesitant decision. Perhaps we'll get an equivalent HB ICE one day.

Finally, I've run out of things to say about the Foundry. It shuffles RnD and makes RnD lock unhappy, I guess.

'on-encounter' sounds like Tollbooth. Maybe 'on access' is a better name... *sigh* If only FFG would have given all of them the 'Ambush' subtype. It was so fitting that Archangel had it. —

Breaking News!

Are there CYBER-CRIMINALS in your neighborhood? Walking among us? Perhaps even in your HOME?

It's more likely than you think.

The marks are still fresh from the infamous Levy University scandal, where a seemingly unobtrusive professor was outed as a cyber-terrorist!

In tonights Exposé, we'll be covering the notorious Muertos Gang populating the Underway, a cabal of secret extortionists, thugs and public despoilers who stop at nothing to control the helpless citizens of SanSan! What's worse, they often live double lives, hiding their gang activities behind a veneer of legitimate business!

But fear not!

Our exclusive NBN sources are with you, keeping people informed and safe about these DANGEROUS criminals who lurk in our midst! Please consider donating a small sum to help keep these public service announcements alive! Though it costs us, we at NBN are committed to the expenditure to keep the people in the know! Don't worry about what you may have heard, or what you may have seen -- NBN is here for YOU.

disclaimer: nbn takes no responsibility for the actions undertaken on the part, at the behest, or in lieu of other multinational entities with regard to publicity management or other such activity with relation to, but not limited when considering the scope thereof, the use of illegal intrusion countermeasures electronics (ice), testing or experimentation of asset retrieval bioroids, forced, necessary or involuntary clone retirement, the alleged hire of mercenary assets or bounty hunters, illicit weapons manufacturing and sales, environmentally unsound mining practices, allegedly "hostile" company mergers and acquisitions, or property redevelopment.

Executive Functioning (noun): in short, the human mind's capacity to make decisions, form plans, and predict outcomes.

In terms of human development, executive functions are formed early on as part of a cognitive suite that allows for the selection of adaptive behaviors that facilitate the attainment of goals and understanding consequences. In the same way, Executive Functioning is best played early on in game as a face-check ICE, being a relatively cheap way to cripple the Runner's cognitive faculties if they are unable to pay through the trace. An early brain damage, and thus reduced hand size, can hamper the Runner's ability to build their rig or protect themselves against further damage. Issues with Executive Functioning can last a lifetime, or at least the runtime of the game.

Executive Functioning is best as a 3-off in a deck as you want to draw it early. Whether or not you're playing the Terminal Directive campaign, this ICE can be invaluable as a way to tax the runner in various ways with very little initial investment to you. Combos well with brain damage cards like Black Level Clearance, Ryon Knight + Mason Bellamy, Cerebral Overwriter, Defective Brainchips, among others.

Not recommended against Runners with lots of , or Yog.0.

"What is your name?"

"What is your quest?"

"What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

What do you mean? An African or European swallow? —

fun fact: this is the 5 year art peice for Andrew Navaro.

MCA Austerity Policy was almost certainly printed to make this agenda playable again. Obviously having Helium-3 Deposit scored at the right time would be a challenge but definitely not impossible - an example just off the top of my head would be as follows:

1) At some point, have MCA Austerity Policy on the board. Place a power counter on it.

2) Install-Advance-Advance Helium-3, hopefully behind some delicious ICE.

3) Advance-advance Helium-3, then score it. Place two power counters on MCA Austerity Policy.

4) Use your remaining click to get three more clicks. Revel in the jank.

Most of the other cards that use power counters have been discussed in @tiggy's review below; however there are a few notable additions to the power counter suite that allow for interesting new interactions with Helium-3.

Estelle Moon will probably have no lack of power counters on her already, especially in a asset-heavy deck. Two extra power counters on her counts towards two more cards and 4 extra when you cash her in.

Free Lunch will probably not be seeing play in your Weyland deck, unless you're playing some kind of porous successful-run based murder play. But it is also a card that is likely to see power counters, unlike Data Raven and its cousins. Two extra power counters on it counts towards the Runner losing 1, 2, or 3 at any point, maybe even at a critical juncture. (jank: right before a psi game?)

Chief Slee has been mentioned already, as two power counters go a long way towards making those critical five. Two extra power counters on her counts towards... death???? (it's death)

Finally, NASX is hard to put power counters on, and two extra power counters on it counts towards an extra 4. Which is okay, I guess, if you want to feel a little bit like you wasted your life and power counters.

tl;dr - MCAAP makes Helium-3 relevant again when it becomes legal?! News at 11. Also some other thoughts on new cards and their interactions with Helium-3 (it still kinda sucks on that respect)


cool mysterious voice: i shall play the most powerful move i have ever been taught in my years of chess-netrunner training! Queen's Gambit! I place three advancement tokens on this remote server, knowing full well I could be advancing a secret agenda, potentially costing me the game! DUN DUN DUN

immediate lapse into childlike glee: now i play Exploratory Romp.

That's just wrong xD —
So in the end you paid 3 clicks and 1$ to gain 6$ for a net of 1.6$ per click... —
@TheChronicler, I don't this was meant to be taken seriously. I suggest it was an attempt at humour and to justify the existence of Exploratory Romp. —
Let behavior like this continue and eventually someone will think Record Reconstructor belongs in a deck. :P —
Moot point due to rotation, but if there's only one card in the remote server could you use exploratory romp? There's no access to replace. —
"You cannot access that card" should rule the same way as Eater's "you cannot access more than zero cards." You still finish the run and get an "access cards" step, but you can't access THAT card. Replacement effects are fine. —