Street Magic is pretty cool. Off the top of my head, here is a list of decent interactions that it has.

First off, It can serve as a sort of mid-encounter emergency jack-out for damaging multi-subroutine ICE that has an end the run subroutine. By choosing to resolve the ETR sub before any of the other subroutines a runner can completely avoid them. Here is a list of cards that this works for:


Heimdall 1.0: Avoid brain damage

Heimdall 2.0: Avoid 2 brain damage

Wall of Thorns: Avoid 2 net damage

Markus 1.0: Avoid trashing one of your installed cards


Caduceus Prevent the corp from potentially gaining 2

Archer: Avoid two trashed programs and prevent the corp from gaining 2

Fenris: Avoid a brain damage

Rototurret: Avoid a trashed program

Uroboros: Avoid being prevented from making another run

Shinobi: Avoid the first two net damage subroutines (Still do take that final nasty one, though)


Viktor 1.0: Avoid a brain damage

Viktor 2.0: Avoid a brain damage power counter

Viper: Avoid losing a

Datapike : Avoid losing 2

Enigma: Avoid losing a


Orion: Avoid a trashed program and a resolve another subroutine subroutine.

Lancelot/Merlin/Galahad/Excalibur: Assuming that you either ran into a Galahad and they had something other than Galahad to show you, or you ran into Merlin or Lancelot and they showed you a Galahad, you can avoid the effects of the non-Galahad grail ice.

[It hardly warrants mentioning, but if the corp is, for some reason running Sensei, Marker or Sub Boost, Street Magic can help you out with that too.]

Some less intuitive interaction for Street Magic are:

Muckraker: If you have already have a tag, you can choose to resolve the “End the run if the runner is tagged” subroutine first to avoid Muckraker's tag trace subroutines. If you don’t have a tag, you can choose to let the “end the run if the runner is tagged” subroutine fire first, let the tag trace subroutines fire, and just blaze on through

Shiro: By resolving the second subroutine first, you can potentially access a card from R&D before the corp has a chance to rearrange them.

Little Engine: This I think, is probably the best interaction that Street Magic brings to the table. By choosing to resolve “The runner gains 5” first, Street Magic effectively turns Little Engine into a beefed-up Au Revoir economy engine.

While Street Magic is definitely cool, and interacts with a pretty decent amount of ICE, it does not really help you win in any way. Unless you’re in a Little Engine heavy meta (If those exist, please bring me to them), Street Magic at best makes face-checking a little bit safer. And since, at the moment, it only interacts with corp cards, you can’t be certain that it will do anything at all, making its inclusion in a deck exclusively a meta call.

Also could help with #shinobi —
A couple nitpicks: Caduceus is 3 credits, and you only miss it if you lose the trace for the ETR. Shinobi still hits you for all three subs, though you might want the last one first to increase the chances of hitting IHW. —
This card is amazing vs. Troll. —
With this card you have to ask yourself not "what this card is useful against" but rather "what are they planning to release to seed this as an option". —
The Final Nail in RotoTurrets Coffin —
A more useful question is actually "what all (dangerous) ice does street magic not interfere with?" because that question will allow you to make a more educated estimate of how much danger remains after accounting for street magic. I suspect the number of ice that are both dangerous and aren't shut down by street magic in meta at any given point in time is relatively small. —
Shinobi's final sub has an ETR rider attached to it, Sabin, so if you make it fire first you'll get kicked out of the run before the two lesser ones trigger. —
apex early face check... —

This is an exceptionally cool card. I'm worried that what with the obvious synergies between Dr. Lovegood and Adam's directive cards, some of the less intuitive applications will go unnoticed.

Something that is critically important to understand about Dr. Lovegood is that the card is blanked only for the runner's turn, not for the corp's. Here's some applications to think about given that fact:

The Source: With exception of An Offer You Can't Refuse, the runner cannot steal an agenda on the corp's turn, and with the exception of Plan B, the corp cannot score an agenda on the runner's turn. What this means is that if you blank The Source at the beginning of your turn, you no longer are subject the downside of the card (having to pay 3).

Drug Dealer: Because the negative effect (losing 1) occurs at the beginning of the runner's turn and the positive effect (drawing one card) occurs at the beginning of the corp's, using Dr. Lovegood to blank Drug Dealer, much in the same way as The Source, completely removes the drawback.

Donut Taganes: The corp is not going to be playing events on the runner's turn. That would be madness. Using Dr. Lovegood in conjunction with Donut Taganes ensures that the tax on events and operations remains exclusively on the corp's side of the board.

New Angeles City Hall: If you're running against a deck that seems more inclined to SEA Source than Data Raven, using Dr. Lovegood can allow you to steal agendas without trashing New Angeles City Hall on your turn and avoid the SEA Source tag on the corp's.

Here are some cards that have interactions with Dr. Lovegood that do not have to do with the fact that the text box is only blanked on the runner's turn:

Basically any card that has a mandatory loss in exchange for a situational boon. Cards such as Wyldside, Starlight Crusade Funding, and Hard at Work, could all potentially benefit from being turned off once in a while.

A strategically applied Dr. Lovegood to a Stim Dealer could potentially prevent/delay the damaging drawbacks of the card and effectively turn it into a more efficient Haas Arcology AI.

With an Aesop's Pawnshop or Chop Bot 3000 installed, a runner could blank a Muertos Gang Member and sell/chop it, preventing the corp from being able to rez a card for free while still making full use of the positive effect.

Most of the aforementioned is likely completely un-utilizable in a competitive way, and I know that. But that doesn't change the fact that Dr. Lovegood is cool. Mechanically, it explores a really interesting space that, while perhaps not necessarily good, deserves to be thought about.

is his ability mandatory? feels like it, since there is no "may" —
Yes, but you could choose to blank Dr Lovegood for a turn if nothing else appeals. —
Does this mean a Starlight Crusade deck is finally viable?? :-) —
Well, I ALMOST made an ass of myself by suggesting this be used with The Black File. Of course, when the File's text box blanks the corp wins on the spot if they have 7 or more Agenda points. —
This will be able to be used with the Black File quite effectively, because it means you can leave it out until you really need it, at that point, don't blank the text box, start adding those power tokens and run run run! —
This is possibly true, although it seems inferior to simply not playing the File until you need it...particularly since it loses the element of surprise. Still, I can see that having some utility in some situations. —
It's hard to effectively predict exactly when you need the black file against fast advance. Once the Corp is at 5 points they are threatening to win at any time. If you play the black file against them if might not do anything, but if you have Dr. Lovegood out it's guaranteed to be effective. —
What is the interaction of this with Current cards? Doesn't it allow two (or more) Current cards to be active at the same time? —
I'll answer my own question: Currents are events, events are never installed so Dr Lovegood won't work with Currents. —
I just read this review, and I'm not sure I agree with the fact that you can prevent other "When your turn begins" effects from occuring by blanking the card. I was under the impression that all effects afire at the same time (When your turn begins) and that you just choose the order in which they execute. Am I mistaken ? —
Nevermind what I just asked. The rules clearly state that it would work. I was just under the impresssion it could not because of The Supplier FAQ. —

More importantly with The Source, it also does not self-trash when you steal an agenda (without paying the $3 tax)

The tagstorm is intensifying.

With the release of Data and Destiny we may now (11/2/2015) be at brief window in the meta wherein this card is worth a second look. New Angeles City Hall is fine, but it's brittle, and can be, if you're running against a super tagstormy deck, expensive. Plascrete Carapace and Paparazzi are solid options for scorch protection, but what use are they against the horrific existential threat that is The All-Seeing I? It's getting god-damn scary out there, and it may be time for something drastic.

And Qianju PT is drastic. Deck space is at a premium, and few runners are willing to include a card that perhaps hitherto, has been at the most a half-way decent way of saving a couple s and s in an Account Siphon heavy deck, and, at the least, some binder fodder with cool flavor. Moreover, a lost is a big price to pay as a preventative measure for a threat that may or may not be imminent. Adjusted Chronotype is an obvious counterpart to this card, but we quickly run into the issue of deck space. If you're going to run Qianju PT+Adjusted Chronotype in a quantity that ensures you will draw them when you need them, you'll be eating up at least three or four hyper-valuable deck slots (plus a not insubstantial amount of s and setup time). And with tags being a likelihood, but not a certainty, you may never even need to use them.

But you may not even end up needing to slot Adjusted Chronotype. Where I think Qianju PT really shines is in the "may". In the hands of even a semi-intuitive runner you may not need the support of Adjusted Chronotype to run this card effectively. If you can intuit that this Blue Sun just might not be vegan, or that this NEH might be something a little more than fast advance, you can, at whim, provide yourself with a safety that does not preclude you from running until you have enough s to beat them in a SEA Source contest or needing to stockpile enough /s to clear/avoid those tags.

I think that it may be worthwhile now, in this tag hell, to slap a couple Qianju PTs into your deck and just weather the inefficiency.


Just going to point out that 4 of the top 8 corp decks at 2016 US Nationals were tagstorm. I know Q can't prevent the CTM tag, but they often have HHN. Just saying. —