*Mad Wolf Noises* ๐Ÿบ [5th @ Whimsy Districts 2025-03-08]

snack 59

Run wyld. Always be Trashing.

This deck started with a few deckbuilding ideas I wanted to play with, namely:

  1. HOW much can I trash and get away with?
  2. Can I make a deck without Sure Gamble or Strike Fund?
  3. Can (read: should) Noise exist in the year of our lord 2025?
  4. Can I avoid K2CP Turbine and Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga and other cards I feel restrict the space a bit?

So what did this cookery lead to?

Imp & Mad Dash:

The most Important card in your deck. Your best friend. Your favorite card. Your console. Run whatever you need and get that sweet, sweet Loup Money. Kill that Very Important Looking Card and (hopefully) suffer no ill consequences!

Then, combo it up yourself by Dashing like Mad. Seal the game versus an unsuspecting corp running only 3-pointers. Win off of a Standoff. Shenanigans!

Every time you trash a card or score an agenda with Mad Dash, you should howl like a wolf.


Sabotage from HQ? That gives you either a combo breaker or a more precise way for Imp to wreak havoc.

Sabotage from R&D? Congratulations, you are now Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire.

Just by playing your normal game plan of trashing and trying to get in, you're already doing MORE trashing!

PROTIP: Use Gachapon and Simulchip to sabotage even on the corp turn!

Botulus, Chisel, & Hush:

Your keys for getting in. Botulus breaks things. Naughty ice that make you lose money? Congratulations, you do not care. They only have one sub.

Wreck them tiny stopper ice with Chisel! Hit the big ones with the Devil Charm! Make Anansi do Nothing with Hush! Don't let ANYTHING stop your run.

When it gets really spicy? Big ol' glacier thinks they're safe? Hit 'em with the Poison Spree. Early versions of this deck struggled a bit with dealing with layers of multiple ice. This one has more fun with it!

Magnet is your worst enemy. Either Silence it, get your trojans away from it, or bring out the emergency Buzzsaw.

Simulchip & Rejig:

Recharge Imp. Poison Vial. Make Stargate work again for a crucial run. Move your Botulus. Pull out a Chisel.

AND fire Avgustina Ivanovskaya again.

A loup de loup. An infinite loup. (Well, not really infinite.)

Other Notes:

  • Cookbook the most important support card in this deck. Other than the Very Good extra Imp charge and Botulus charges, there are a LOT of pesky 1 strength ice you may want to stop in one turn with a Chisel.
  • Heliamphora is VERY good. Kidnap them Jacksonsons, prevent (or spicify) Mavirus, stop combos from being retrieved, and save yourself from Nightmare Archive! Save yourself from Punitive by kidnapping that 3 pointer first, only to save it for a Mad Dash run later (when you've won). Considering even a second one just for the funny free corp trash on purge.
  • Stargate is very strong for beating up a corp early if they leave R&D open, or use it as a finisher to snipe your win or the corp's way to win.
  • Solidarity Badge keeps you running. Having 2 or 3 might be good too.
  • Most people will say The Nihilist sucks but I found it works decently with this deck, but I felt I needed draw and the corp will almost always let you draw 2, which is neat. If they trash themselves? Also neat. Originally, this was LilyPAD and while I did enjoy the idea of having more mem and drawing on corp turn, influence was a little tight if I wanted to beat glacier.
  • Almost forgot Fermenter, for when you ACTUALLY need some money to get past something or install something. Trashing this also lets you fire Simulchip without trashing other things!


  • hermes: bouncing ice and cards on the field would definitely be very helpful.
  • lilypad: cute way to draw, love this card actually. plays nicely w/ rejig and stargate
  • nga: more sabotage is always fun, and in program form it comes out with simulchip and gachapon too.
  • asmund pudlat: not just for the viruses you need, but also poison vial.
  • katorga reakout: the VALUE on this card. might just add in 3 to hit over and over again.
  • khusyuk: the funniest version of this deck had pseudo deep dive by hitting them with this
  • carnivore: when you need Imp number 15 i suppose

Shoutout and a big thanks to everyone I played against on jnet and chatted with me about the deck and encouraged me to keep at it!

I've been playing this deck so much over the past few months it's kinda wyld how much fun I've been having with it, and I'm really glad to see it performed decently live, and I can't wait for when rotation hits.

On a final note, the tourney was great, lots of players, and even two fly ins! Glad to have met everyone and fellow Loup enjoyer @thearete, whose deck is just insane.

Special mention goes to my brother @profwacko for keeping our local community alive, organizing, and Judging!

9 Mar 2025 lunari


10 Mar 2025 napalm900

Happy growling noises!

10 Mar 2025 napalm900

wait wait wait...Heliamphora can host more than one card??

10 Mar 2025 snack

@napalm900 Yeah, just need to make more than one run!

10 Mar 2025 Battle_fennec

The absolute amount of cooking present here is Wyldโ„ข. Always such a treat running into you on Jnet <3

11 Mar 2025 snack

@Battle_fennec ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–