A THOUSAND games πŸ‘‘ UNDEFEATED King of Swiss @ NorCal πŸ‘‘

btgood2me 222


"Recursive Monolith"
"Jinja PD"
"That annoying deck that Brian plays"

I've played this deck over a thousand times, and I figured whatever cheesy name I come up with, it would fall short of that fact.

Counted 914 games off jnet alone, 🀣 I prob did 50 just last week!
(yes, 😭 off of iterations of this PD deck alone)
A wave 🌊 of emotions swept through me as I went through each game in the Northern California District Championship.

The Emotions

All that practice,
All those iterations,
Would it mean nothing if I lose?

But in the end, Jinja PD won every game... and I played every game it could!
In fact, ☺️ this was the ONLY deck that beat last week's decklist of the week in the Swiss rounds. ❀️@Tak and I are friends, and neither of us wanted to run against the other's corp. As we became the final two players in the top cut, a coin was tossed to determine sides and my only loss of the day fell on my πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈrunner... 😭 single elimation rules. πŸ†2nd in NorCal Districts.

And... 🌊 this almost brought me to tears 😭
😭 My corp didn't drop a single game! It earned an UNDEFEATED district title to it's name!

Since the beginning of my Netrunner journey, this is the FIRST and ONLY deck I could actually call my own. I honestly didn't think I had it in me to make something original. I thought that anyone could make a better list than I ever could πŸ₯Ί. And that all I can ever do is COPY someone else.

And if that is how you feel too, my advice is to just keep iterating, keep trying, keep playing games, and keep drawing cards.


Cause that is all this deck is about! πŸ™Œ

To everyone who says that:
πŸ™„ "Large decks are impractical".
πŸ™„ "You can't find the cards you need... cause... pRoBaBiLiTy". 🎲

Well... maybe you're just not drawing enough cards.

The idea is simple: For every basic action, there is a card that does it better. And this deck, through its many iterations, have always centered around that fact.

Draw a lot of cards, and convert them to value. If you draw 2x or 3x what a normal corp does, then it wouldn't matter if you have 5 more cards in your deck or a bunch of situational 1 ofs. You will find what you need. And once you've used those cards, that's also where this deck shines.


Corp doesn't have much tutoring, but they excel at recurring cards.

There are 7 ways of recurring cards in this deck.
πŸ” Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design ID
πŸ” 2x Corporate Hospitality
πŸ” 1x Project Vitruvius
πŸ” 1x Restore
πŸ” 1x Drafter
πŸ” 2x Spin Doctor
πŸ” 3x Gatekeeper

Draw everything you need, used it or throw it away, then pull back exactly what you need in the moment. You'll find yourself wanting things in archives and not being afraid to use Your Digital Life and Mavirus, because if you need it... there are 5-6 ways to get it back.

And REMEMBER! You can recur the cards that recur cards!! Between all this I average around 10-17 recursions/game
πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ”
🀀 The satisfaction of restoring a Jinja City Grid after the runner spent all their money trashing it
🀀 Firing 10 rashidas in a game
🀀 Gatekeeper and Spin Doctor "protecting" 6 agendas I voluntarily threw into archives
My Archives.
🀀 Then removing 2x Ikawah Project + 2x Offworld Office with 2x restore
🀀 Holoman + 2x Seamless the Vitrivus from 0
🀀 purge whenever you want with Vovô Ozetti Mavirus
🀀 Red Level Clearance to Corporate Hospitality to pull and RLC again and still have a click


⛩️ 3x Jinja City Grid
Not only is it useful in ANY central cerver but it excels in the single iced remote that PD tends to have. 1 to rez πŸ™Œ, 5 to trashπŸ”₯. Recursion makes Jinja painful for runners to deal with even if they have Miss Bones, Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist, or Imp. Trash it, and it can come back with very little cost, leave it and it allows me to clicklessly and creditlessly build my fortress by drawing. Counters the setbacks of Hermes and ice destruction. 0 influence in PD, πŸ™„ but for some reason you mainly see it being imported to other factions! Jinja PD is a hidden gem πŸ’Ž, I'm sad to see it rotate 😭 My Enemies.

πŸ‘Ύ 2x Surveyor
Not original, people have combined it with Surveyor for str in the past, but rarely in PD. The main reason the runner ignores Server 1. TYSM let me cook πŸ§‘β€πŸ³πŸ”₯.

πŸ”« 2x M.I.C
Have both of these on your remote makes Ikawah Project impossible to steal if they didn't run click 1. Flip a coin on BrΓ’n/MIC for a horrible facecheck.

🍡 Thimblerig
For 1 influence and 2 creds (0 with vovo), this little cup sure carries it's weight. Counter's Tāo and allows me optimize my ice. Surveyor can be installed in a short central and moved into the 4 iced remote. Thimblerig surfing counters "Bankhar", Boomerang, and Bravado. Can't count all the times someone Diversion of Funds me just to see me move the Thimblerig back one space and go "Oh". Runner passes Thimble on the remote and M.I.C moves over and pops, now they can't steal the Ikawah Project. Even better when I had Border Control

β˜• 2x VovΓ΄ Ozetti
Only reason I can afford this Jinja BS. Makes The Holo Man, Manegarm, and Mavirus practically free at threat.

🦨 Manegarm Skunkworks
Almost never used on the remote, but to fortify a central.

Value and efficency

If you can do more with your mandatory draw + 3 clicks than the runner can do in their 4, you win. Building this snowball centers around keeping the runner out of your 1 remote, so that you can cook πŸ§‘β€πŸ³πŸ”₯.

πŸ‘©πŸΏ 3x Rashida Jaheem
Same as in every deck, only difference is that you can fire it 10x and it installs ice clicklessly, with Jinja City Grid. +3 creds is nice, but +3 cards is fire πŸ”₯.

πŸ‘Ή The Holo Man
Effortlessly scored 3 agendas in 3 consecutive turns. Between this and Seamless Launch, you'll never need to leave an advanced agenda on the board. Nets even with an Offworld Office even if you pay to rez.

πŸ”΄ 3x Red Level Clearance
Clicks > draw > credits. RLC gives full flexibility in converting between the 3. I'm never sad to see it. Clickless draws (and jinja installs) are amazing!
Need cards? RLC.
Too many cards? RLC.
Corporate Hospitality? RLC.
Only have 1 cred? RLC.
😭 But it does pain me a little whenever I need to use it to net 2 credits and climb myself out of debt. 😭

Look Mom! I made a thing! Something I can call my own

If you look on NRDB history, this combination of cards is suprisingly original! ☺️

πŸ₯‡ Only 1 deck has EVER been published with Restore PD.
πŸ₯ˆ Only 2 decks EVER had Surveyor PD.
And the last Jinja City Grid PD was only 1 deck published in 2023.
Holo Man and Thimblerig are also scarce.

And that is what makes netrunner incredible! 7 Years these cards have been out for, and still you can find something that works that was never done before.

And this is coming from a netdecker who has only every made one decklist! Be inspired! Netrunner is incredible! Possibilities are endless! Imagine what YOU can do!

More than a THOUSAND Games

If you play a deck over a thousand times, you live through some incredible stories, cause.... 🎲 probability 🎲

Once, I played a...
0️⃣ click perfect,
0️⃣ credit perfect,
0️⃣ deckout perfect,
0️⃣ agendas left in the game perfect

Discarded all my Ikawah Project and Offworld Office into archives. Restore. scored out. Recure Restore and use.
... leaving 1πŸ₯‡ agenda for ME to get to 7+ (runner can't even get to 6 🀣).
... Pulled it off on my 0️⃣ last click with my 0️⃣ last credit as I'm about to 0️⃣ deck out.

Another game, I held 6 agendas in hand and the runner collected 8 conduit counters until they hit a Mavirus
Where are the agendas?.
RIP Conduit

Back when I was running Seidr Adaptive Barrier instead of Surveyor I lost a game where my wall of ice reached the runner's ID. They couldn't get into HQ to score out 🀣
@pengguin jokes that I won because the Corp "breached" the runner" ❀️ Thank you friend!

πŸ₯‡ When you've play 1000+ games, you don't play to win
πŸ₯‡ you play for the stories


Since Sept 2024 I've cloned this deck on jnet 102 times.
clone > change a few cards > play a few games > repeat

β˜€οΈ Superconducting Hub
The first 30 so iterations of this deck centered around using Hub and a massive deck size to manage the massive ammount of draw I was generating. The Bay area community would shake their head when they look at me holding on to 12 cards in my HQ after my discard phase.
β˜€οΈThe power of a 12 card hand size allowed for me to function even while sheltering 6 agendas in HQ. and even with multiaccess runner had a hard time finding anything.
β˜€οΈ I ran 3x Your Digital Life and recured it constantly with scoring hubs to generate over 100 credits off YDL.
β˜€οΈ it provided fuel for two other cards

🏹 Archer
πŸ’½ Helheim Servers
Rez a surprise Archer or suprise Helheim drop you hand of 12 cards, and the runner facechecks a 30 str Archer. I ran a Loki to create 4 effective archers. Send a Message was also more important in this interation. Helheim Servers ultimately lead me to Jinja City Grid, and removing it forced me to seek solutions in Surveyor

πŸ‘ΎWarroid Tracker
Dissuading the runner from trashing a rashida, mavirus, or even ice destruction, along with the 8 other upgrades I had back then. Jinja City Grid became taxing enough to trash and hard enough to get to that I phase Warriod out.

πŸ’Έ Vulnerability Audit Playing with this agenda really got me thinking of scoring out an installed 3 pointer in 1 turn. Focusing on an impregnable remote 1. This lead to the inclusion of The Holo Man and removal of Big Deal

🏠 Tranquility Home Grid
I think Jinja PD isn't a really thing because this card is played in almost every other PD deck. Isn't as useful in central servers. Swapping this for Jinja City Grid made me realize that my deck has transformed to something my own!

Thank you!

@ddark for your endless patience teaching me this game, almost every deck I've played up till this point has been from you. Your student, has graduated to a deckbuilder!
@Sokka for beating me against this deck throughout its many iterations. Even after a thousand games of practice, I still lose 😭! πŸ† A true testament of your skill πŸ€£πŸ†! Thank you for entertaining my childish experiments.
@tzeentchling For being our friendly neighborhood netrunner mentor. You and @iherdn3rfz ❀️ probabaly played against this deck the most in person. Also thank you for organizing so many local competitions, including this πŸ†NorCal District competitionπŸ†. Without you this deck wouldn't have had so many opportunities for a competitive space.
@thearete For reassuring me that I don't need to focus on cutting decklist to a minimum, and showing me the power of Thimblerig.
@Harp I still remember those few nights you sat with me and spent more time brainstorming with me about cards. You spent more time picking your brain over my deck than anyone else did, thank you! When you congratulated me for going undefeated in districts, and pointing out that all those iterations are finally paying off, 🌊 😭 You have no idea how happy that made me! πŸ˜‡
@everyone else who has played against this deck. I apologize for endlessly spamming corp only games on jnet, and to the countless strangers that are no stranger to this deck. Thank you for the bay area netrunners who have accepted my affinity to play corp, much less the same corp OVER and oVeR again. ❀️ Thank you everyone for respecting my privacy and not publishing a similar deck of your own.

It may not be the best deck in the world,
🀣 it may not even be decklist of the week material 🀣,
But I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into it.
It is my own, and I'm proud of it. ❀️

15 Mar 2025 Wentagon

"I fear not the man who has practiced 1,000 decks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one deck 1,000 times."

Big congrats dude :)

15 Mar 2025 btgood2me

Thanks @Wentagon! Also thank you for helping me with this writeup. Sorry it became such a monolith!

🀣Oversized writing for an oversized the decklist πŸ˜‰

15 Mar 2025 ddark

Even after this writeup you have no idea just how obsessed Brian was with this deck. Imagine this: In preparation for Worlds, Brian would focus solely on this deck, playing many hundreds of games on Jnet. Then, when worlds comes around the corner, he just asks me for a runner list and considers dropping his runner matches because he`s only interested in playing his baby. For a year he would want to talk about this deck and the newest iterations…

So the big question Brian: Will you finally be able to move on to a different deck? Will you repeat the process, but with a Runner this time around? Also the deckname should be β€žObsessionβ€œ :P

15 Mar 2025 btgood2me

🀣 Haha @ddark luckly, NSG is making the decision for me, by rotating all the essential FFG cards in a month! It'll be my deck's last Oorah before I'm force to put to rest... 😭

15 Mar 2025 maninthemoon

Congratulations on the great performance. Love to see PD innovation πŸ™‚

15 Mar 2025 benticurus

Testing against this deck back before worlds was super fun. Very exiting to see it come so far!

16 Mar 2025 btgood2me

Thanks guys! @benticurus, love your support ❀️! We have to play again sometime!

@maninthemoon you're such a good inspiration with your Shoot the moon πŸŒ™ deck! PD is amazing, and you really showed us all how amazing this ID is! ❀️ Excited to see what you all make next!

19 Mar 2025 webscr

Congratulations on your remarkable performance at the Northern California District Championship! Going undefeated in Swiss rounds with your Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design deck, especially after dedicating so much time and effort into refining it, is truly commendable. Your commitment to continuous iteration and the strategy of leveraging extensive card draw to maximize value clearly paid off. It's inspiring to see original deck-building thrive in the community. Well done!

21 Mar 2025 btgood2me

@webscr Thank you! Your comment made my day! Have we played before? Your name sounds familiar!

22 Mar 2025 ischariot47

I started about a year ago and so I don't know a lot of the FFG cards. So Jinja City Grid was totally new to me and restore I haven't seen played so thought it is probably not good. But in the right deck it seems to be good and I didn't think about removing agendas with, which I loved in the write up. Really cool unusual deck, love it.