MaxX Distro Minh

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fetish 12

My take on Minh MaxX:

Differences are: Wanton Destruction instead of Retrieval Run. About 50% of the time I find I never need to install a breaker of any kind (thanks to DDoS and/or Corp resignation to their inevitable fate/they're broke and can't rez anyhow) and in other cases, I only need to Déjà Vu into Eater and I'm set.

-1 Daily Casts because we've got plenty of economy already.

-1 I've Had Worse With Paparazzi I rarely take damage, so cutting back to two of these makes sense.

+2 DDoS for those times when you have to run (to install Data Leak Reversal, for eg) or land an Account Siphon.

+3 Paige Piper This is the most idiosyncratic choice, but her three cards effectively occupy only 1 deck slot. If you can get her early, she effectively saves you as many as 7 deckslots for draw purposes. Worst case scenario, she's Faust fodder - all for +1 card in your deck. Not bad.

I also ditch Utopia Shard - It's arguably the worst of the shard's from this deck's perspective: You'd rather force the corp to mill themselves 2x more with Eden Shard or have Hades Shard as a YOLO play or in the last ability window before the corp scores out their 7th Agenda Point - there should be 20-30 cards in archives at that point and reasonable chance of enough agenda points to win you the game right there, assuming you can withstand any Shocks or other damage cards. I tend to let I've Had Worse sit in my grip for that reason.

The biggest problem with this deck is All Seeing-I. Your Fall Guys can protect your Paparazzi most critically and your Wireless Net Pavilions second - Josh B and DLR can always be reinstalled. I'll be looking for a way to put a Bad Pub lander in there next.

17 Nov 2015 fetish

Finally played against a Corporate Town deck. Dealing with it wasn't too problematic unless they also had Team Sponsorship, in which case, you will need to be able to deal with both.

17 Nov 2015 fetish

I've replaced Corroder with Yog.0. There are three ICE that Eater can't deal with, and they are Wraparound, Swordsman, and Turing. Eater can actually work with Wraparound, but it's expensive, and you can eat the single Net Damage and AI-program trash (if you even have one up that point) of Swordsman, leaving Turing as the only End-The-Run ICE that you would otherwise be locked out of.