Graveyard shift

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jczak 9

Core idea 1) Aesop's Pawnshop - Economy; 2) Reboot - Facedown economy; 3) Apocalypse - Toy/ Attack + Independent Thinking - Draw (??)+ Assimilator - Revival 4) Levy AR Lab Access - Recycler; 5) Prey - Toy/ Attack; 6) Wasteland - Economy (Good with Reaver) 7) Heartbeat - Defense 8) Reaver - Draw 9) Harbinger - Facedown economy 10) Hunting Grounds - Facedown economy (11) Chop Bot 3000 - synergizes with 6&8)

Breaker engine Crypsis -Icebreaker + Net-Ready Eyes -Drip economy Multithreader -Economy (MU) Force of Nature -Hortum defeater

Déjà Vu - Tutor; Test Run - Tutor (?) for programs (Crypsis); Trope - Tutor/ Recycler (?); Hostage - Tutor for Connection (AP) Artist Colony - Tutor for any card (???) (agenda + 3 influence) Planned Assault -Tutor for Run events

Deuces Wild - Economy + Tag prevention Qianju PT - Tag prevention (on own turf) No One Home - Tag prevention (1 influence) On the Lam - Tag prevention (2 influence)

Councilman + Drive By - Defense (??)

Populist Rally - Attack (?) + Scrubber - Trash economy

Sure Gamble - Economy (Burst) Armitage Codebusting - Economy (Click-linked) Jackpot! - Economy (Small Drip) Kati Jones - Economy (Big Drip + Click-linked) Symmetrical Visage - Economy (Click-linked)

Sports Hopper - Link + Draw

Artist Colony - Toy Fan Site - Toy Liberated Chela - Toy

26 Jan 2021 Jtfq99999

Welcome! Some formatting might make reading it easier. Usage of links is very nice!

  1. Leaving an empty line before start of 1. will make the formatting look like this.
  2. Double spacing after the dot will continue the format (Seems like it only works on dots.
26 Jan 2021 Diogene

@jczak why Force of Nature and not Utae?

If you want to play in standard, would you consider replacing Rachel Beckman by Akshara Sareen?

Thank you for making me discover Déjà Vu. It was a forgotten card. New jank idea coming up!

26 Jan 2021 jczak

@Jtfq99999 Thanks for the formatting tips! I was also looking for ways to make it look neater.

26 Jan 2021 jczak


Yea this deck is built with the Okorina 3 Format in mind with Rachel Beckman as the runner. She has a much tighter influence restriction than normal Apex, so Force of Nature was the better counter for "anti-AI ICE" I could squeeze in with 1 influence, but I agree with Utae.

I like Akshara Sareen, might try it out in future decks