One of the most scary card to be left on the board unchecked. For the small price of 1, you get to put up to 2 advancement on another card that can be advanced. This wins games!
Of course, this naturally synergize with Weyland Consortium: Built to Last, because putting advancement counters on a bunch of ices is natural. But this goes well also with Pravdivost Consulting: Political Solutions, which get free advancements. Asset spam archetypes will love this asset, since they can put lots of cards on the table, including naked agendas that can but scored next turn.
Another synergy is with Clearinghouse. Being able to advance it just before it fire will do tremendous damage. Notice that this card is neither a region, nor is it unique. In theory, you could have multiple of them on the board! Even Ronin could be advanced this way.
While the card specify that it has an additional effect if not protected by ice, the asset can still be protected by upgrades. Things like Overseer Matrix, Warroid Tracker and Forced Connection can make trashing this asset quite dangerous.
Even protected by ices, this can allow the corp to score big agendas without having to put advancement on the turn they are installed, forcing the runner to go check the most protected remote as often as you put something in it.
For all its power, this card require some setup. At 2 to trash, it should be trashed on sight by every runners. Moreover, you need to have put advancements on other cards before using this card. Finally, this card, unlike Isaac Liberdade, cannot put advancements on cards that cannot be advanced. Thus giving information to the runner about the asset or ice that receive the advancements.
This card could see play outside Weyland, even at 3 influences. But you'll need to play the right kind of deck for it, since this will compete with Cohort Guidance Program for putting advancements faster. Lots of possibilities.
The quote, art and name of the card fit together really well, giving a somewhat oblique reference to the effect of the card. Beautiful.
Whilst you can host the punitive, this card does nothing when accessing agendas (non-agenda card is specified) and it can't host them, in that regard it is worse than Imp
— LGetlander