[Startup] Big Island Coffee Roasters

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kevnburg 459

This deck went 2-1 at the Phoenix Ash Gaming Society Startup GNK in Miami, Florida.


"Hawaii's Big Island is home to some of the finest coffee available. Arabica beans are cultivated in rich volcanic soil on the mountainsides of the Kona region, resulting in incredibly full-bodied flavor. Because of the limited availability and high quality, genuine 100% Kona coffee can be hard to come by and is often counterfeit in bootleg versions sold to tourists. As a company, Big Island Coffee Roasters are committed to serving the best coffee Hawaii has to offer—100% Kona as well as other varieties—while promoting conservation of the island's resources and authentic coffee community."

-Town and Country Mag, "The 18 Best Coffee Brands for the Perfect Morning Brew", Meg Donohue (2021)


Quick Endurance or Hyperbaric -> Conduit time. Coffee gives you all the money you need. Self-modifying Code and Into the Depths tutor whatever programs you need during coffee runs.

Use Simulchip during the same run you pop a Self-modifying Code to quickly get 2 cups of coffee that help pay for your Code. The earlier in the morning you get your coffee, the better your day is going to go.

Use Cordyceps as a quick trick to put trivial ice on RnD so you can run it multiple times in one turn for Conduit counters (just note that, if you grab Cordyceps with Into the Depths, you won't be able to use Cordyceps until your NEXT successful run).

You're typically looking to run once a turn on HQ or RnD using Hyperbaric + Kit's ID ability + coffee money to get through for free. Endurance, Pelangi, Egret, and the clutch Cordyceps make it possible to do multiple runs or get through multiple ice when you need to.

Stoneship Chart Room is your out against kill decks and also an emergency charge: Try to keep at least one on the table in case you need it later to survive or break through.


Mandatory Coffee:

2x Cezve (6 influence): Free HQ and RnD runs, powering Hyperbaric during an an Archives run when there's nothing better to spend the money on, and installing programs for free mid-run. You want to get both Cezve installed; you're not truly "Big" Island Coffee Roasters without both.

+ Both Of the Following:

1x Clot (2 Influence): Fast advance tech easily threatened with Simulchip.

1x Docklands Pass (2 Influence): HQ pressure.

Or + Two of the Following:

1x The Twinning (3 Influence): Easy +1/turn multi-access with Cezve with more potential than Docklands Pass, but if you're running this you need to clear tags to protect it, which may require more real money (not coffee money) than this deck currently has.

1x Imp (3 Influence): Alternate pressure. A good Simulchip target best used to help future Conduit runs see deeper by trashing ice from RnD!

1x Pinhole Threading (1 Influence): Flexible tech to get at troublesome assets and upgrades with Cezve credits!

1x No Free Lunch (1 Influence): Keeps your boat alive.

Or More Pinhole Threadings and/or No Free Lunches:

Could cut any of these cards to get more threads or more lunchboxes.

Or the "Small Island" / "Different Barista" Approaches:

Cut a Cezve in shame or change your barista to more easily fit other cards like The Twinning and/or replace it with one of those green orb things. If you do switch to that more influential barista, you could even try 3x Cezve and open up a coffee shop in a nearby hotel, but may need more animal friends or a more diverse icebreaking plan.

Other In-Faction Considerations:

Atman: Synergizes with Cordyceps to line up easy attacks on a key server.

Rezeki: Tutorable econ.

Telework Contract: Generic econ.

Aesop's Pawnshop: Might work with all the cheap and/or deplatable programs and Simulchips here. I'm currently running a single Spec Work as a burstier alternative because I think I only want to trash ~1 program per game, mainly on a Simulchip turn.

Daeg, First Net-Cat: Pseudo-econ for Endurance and Hyperbaric.

The Maker's Eye - RnD pressure burstier than this deck's current methods.

Test Run - Good for temporarily tutoring tricks. Also opens up a neat 1 influence opportunity.

Flavor Note: Cezves are coffee pots designed specifically for Turkish coffee not sold by Big Island Coffee Roasters, but we're repping this Hawaiin company for this deck list because tropical birds, "Big" rig, and nautical theming. If you're looking for Turkish coffee brands to theme your own Cezve deck around, maybe take a look here to seem some top brands.