Lengthy review, which is also sort of a response to Drakeheart, but since it is a mouthfull I am posting it separately.

I think this is one of those cards that looks very appealing, especially to newer players, but is a lot worse than it seems. Not garbage, but there is a reason this asset doesn't show up in competitive decks, even though tags are the hot rage.

You have to look at this card in some likely scenarios:

  • The runner hits this unadvanced, in centrals or on the board. This is quite ok for the corp. I actually disagree with 2 trash cost being inconsequential. 0 or 1 is, 2 is just high enough to be annoying. And as stated, this is basically a moot access, since this "agenda" can't be stolen.

  • The runner finds this with 2 advancements. A poor man's Ghost Branch indeed. Not bad if they also spend 2 to trash it, but as stated later, the runner can just let you keep investing resources.

  • 4 advancement counters. How did you get here? Did you install, advance, wait a turn, 3x advance? Why would the runner run the card? Seems like a weird way to score a 5/3. Ronin maybe, that might be enough to go check it. They do take two tags. IF they run it. So this is potentially the best scenario.

  • 5 counters. Can be achieved if you iaa, aaa. Great, all set up to advance advance "score". Because again, why would they run this? And because of the odd number of advancements, only 2 tags.

  • 6 counters. By now you are telegraphing you definitely have some jank and the runner is trying very hard to remember the card pool. Or whether you might have the proverbial stones to slow roll a Goverment Takeover. They might go check, and take 3 tags for their troubles, not easy to shake. Buuut unless you play support cards, it will take you 3 turns to get here.

  • You score it. Yay! You just spend 9 credits and 9 clicks to score a blank 3-pointer over three turns. You could have scored SSL or SDS Drone Deployment instead. Sure, it didn't pose you any risk of losing an agenda but this cost is so prohibitive that unless you are very far ahead anyway, you have just shot yourself in the foot.

This is a long-winded way of saying, I am not remotely terrified of this card. If you want to spend 3 turns scoring it, have at it. I am gonna snoop in your centrals while you do that. If you as a runner do fear False Flag, Drive By and Political Operative are great counters. Or call their bluff and run it with No One Home or On the Lam installed.

Combos nicely with Prisec and Dedication Ceremony, if you do decide to try it out.


What about the interactions with Slot Machine and La Costa Grid?

The same logic applies. If you had an agenda on the board instead of False Flag, you could use both cards to better effect.

In the case of Slot Machine, you also can't reliably expect the third sub to fire. And in the case of La Costa, if you park it in the same remote as False Flag, you still aren't scoring out of that remote. It still takes you 3 turns to fire False Flag, while you could have never advanced a solid 4/2 in 2 turns.

I don't disagree that if you see it on it's own it's not great because it's needs to be advanced over 3 turns but if played together with La Costa Grid, Seamless launch in a Clearing house Deck you can easily get to 6-7 advancement on round 2 and about your question, why would the runner run it, well to not flatline in case of Clearinghouse should be enough pressure. So it's a win win. If he takes the bait and runs he spends all his money and gets tagged to the neck if he doesn't, you score a 3 point agenda. I can see this being quite decent 1 or 2 card include in a 44 card 6 agenda deck that goes for the long play.

It's Biotic Labor, except it costs 1 less and the runner can trash it because it is an asset. Actually though, because you need to install this friendly bioroid before he can get to work, you are essentially spending 2 clicks... to gain 2 clicks. So the strategy is installing Bass and using him on a later turn. This makes Bass less attractive than Biotic, despite being 1 less credit.

Of course, being an asset also has a few upsides. He can be reinstalled with cards like Team Sponsorship, rezzed more cheaply with Breaker Bay Grid, searched with Tech Startup and can be used in combination with Biotic in MirrorMorph. He is a combo player's dream, and I imagine people will continue to do cool things with him. Also, he is "only" 3 influence as opposed to Biotic's 4.

So yeah, less straightforward than his operation equivalent, but also wilder.


Also comes with one of the best flavour texts in Ashes!

I'd say it's more accurate to call him Calibration Testing except purple, with a higher trash cost but no potential to go infinite. In addition to working with Breaker Bay Grid and Team Sponsorship, he also works with Tranquility Home Grid, which is one incentive to include him in a jammy deck over Biotic Labor. He's also an extremely good target for Restore and Red Level Clearance in Mirrormorph: the former turns him back into good old Biotic Labor, and the latter lets you fast advance a 4/2 with him (RLC for install Bass + free click, click Bass, install, advance with Mirrormorph action, 3 clicks left in turn).

It actually DO have the potential to go infinite, just that you need the spare click to do so. Both provides the equivalent of 1 click when used.

Does get foiled by Clot recursion tho. Unlike Calibration Testing

A 4 strength sentry with 2 subs (ideally 3) for 4 credits is great value for the corp. However, because of the traces, even if the runner face checks this, there is no guarantee it will actually fire. Trace 3 is just high enough to be relevant, especially now that Power Tap and a whole assortment of link cards are rotated. Outside of Sunny, who laughs at this card, and maybe link-friendly shapers like Kabonesa and Lat, there isn't a runner who can brush this off. And being able to trash a console is game-winning, while it can end the run as well.

Pretty decent card, especially if you can park it on HQ. Probably best in Earth Station. Not fantastic though.


With the rotation of Lunar and C&C, I was interested in seeing how Smoke would adapt to the loss of Cloak, Ghost Runner, Dagger, Switchblade and Refractor. But then Nisei printed very similar replacements so all that worry is now water on the bridge.

In the case of Afterimage, despite being able to breaks subs for real credits like Dagger, I think the similarities to Switchblade are more immediate. Both need to be imported from criminal (and you should, because what other killer are you gonna play. Fawkes?). Afterimage costs 1 more credit and 1 more influence though. On top of that, while Switchblade breaks nearly any current sentry for 2 stealth credits (Orion, a well-placed Surveyor and overadvanced Colossus not withstanding), Afterimage needs to be boosted twice or even three times to deal with higher strength sentries.

However, to bring up similarities again, once per turn you can bypass any sentry for the cost of 2 stealh credits. This is fantastic, as it essentially allows you to deal with even the most insurmountable of ice, like say a 16 strength Surveyor for an affordable price. And as an added cherry on top, you get to ignore annoying encounter effects such as with Data Raven. Don't use this abillity on Anansi though. Also keep in mind that due to timing, you can't use Pelangi to make something a sentry and then bypass it.

Due to starting at strength 2, this breaker also deals nicely with lower strength ice, such as Cobra, Sapper and Rototurret. All cost 1 credit, two subs or not. It also breaks almost every sentry of strength 3 and 4 for a regular and a stealth credit, instead of 2 stealth. News Hound, Cortex Lock and Drafter come to mind. Then again, Switchblade is great vs Tour Guide, a card you need an answer for. Although Afterimage can also get past it via bypass...

So all in all, I think the takeaway is that Afterimage is a very strong successor of Switchblade, better and worse in different aspects, and a card that keeps Smoke relevant in the current meta.


I think that you cannot ignore encounter effect like data raven with the 2 stealth bypass effect

@spleen86 Both the Icebreaker and the Ice have "when encountered" effects, so they happen at the same timing window, which allows the active player to choose which happens first. It is the same as the old Femme Fatal vs Tollbooth issue.

@spleen86 you are incorrect for reasons stated above

IMO, this is a prime example of a well-designed card that doesn't cost nearly enough and therefore ends up being a bit too powerful.

3 credits for a 2 MU console is amazing value at the worst of times. Except this only costs 2 credits, because Keiko triggers itself on install. No other card in the game gives you two unconditional MU for such a low price. Compare to CyberSolutions Mem Chip.

But, I hear you say, that isn't comparable. Keiko takes up a console slot. Fair. So let's take a look at the ability. A 1 credit drip every time you install or "use" a companion. Easy enough to reliably trigger every turn. There are several companions out already, most considered pretty strong.

A one credit drip isn't super broken, but in combination with a 2-MU console which costs two to install, I think it is slightly above the curve. Anarchs who like to be filthy rich and need MU for programs like Stargate will definitely consider this. Especially considering the lack of tempo loss compared to a card like Maw. Maybe Keiko should have kept its cost and been 1 MU instead? I don't know. I just know this feels a bit wrong to me.


I agree. I am not sure if it does refund a credit, may need a ruling on that, but even at 3 it's a push. Compare it to Paragon. 3 cost. Keiko has one more MU. Both have a way to make a buck each turn, but Keiko doesn't involve interacting with the corp. Just free money. Paragon may offer the deck peek as a bonus, but really, that's nothing compared to an MU, in terms of general power.

I can see the Smoke over the horizon already, lol.

It has been confirmed by Nisei on Facebook it triggers itself.

Did NISEI think that Keiko would force you to too much into a pre-defined companions template? There's just so few downsides to the console. Supporters of this card's power level are far and few. I wouldn't be shocked to see this end up as Removed soon.