Cerebral Static is an interesting current that can interfere with a lot of runner's game plans. However there is a very strange and unlikely circumstance where it can help the runner! (Note: If you play against someone who likes to use Cerebral Static you should do this in a casual game just to blow their mind)

Apex: Invasive Predator cannot install non-virtual resources, but there's nothing preventing it from including them in the deck. So the trick is this: Keep some high impact resources like Aesop's Pawnshop, Kati Jones, Political Operative, Symmetrical Visage, Personal Workshop or Wyldside in your grip and wait for the opponent to play Cerebral Static, as soon as they do you install all your non-virtual resources. You can also install resources like Same Old Thing, Daily Casts or Scrubber. Now this kind of combo is by no means realistic or even reasonable - but if you manage to achieve it the look on your opponent's face will make it all worthwhile.

Suggesting that you include non-virtuals like Personal Workshop in Apex that take up 4 influence each is a little odd, don't you think? I mean what happens if your opponent decides to use ELP instead? —
It's purely for the fun factor against a particular Cerebral Static loving opponent. I think it's clear that this isn't being promoted as a tournament winning strategy. —

Bandwidth works beautifully with Keegan Lane to blow up the runner's programs out of nowhere. It will also activate Pachinko's subroutines making for a 2 server with 2 Str 4 ' End the run.' Barrier subroutines.

However this kind of set up has a big weakness - if Bandwidth is broken, bypassed or destroyed then Keegan and Pachinko don't work and the server becomes very vulnerable. Jesminder Sareen: Girl Behind the Curtain and New Angeles City Hall or other tag protection can also render Bandwidth kind of useless, although the same could be said of cards like Data Raven in a similar situation.

The other way you could use Bandwidth is to put it in front of a big glacier with strong unrezzed ETR Ice or a Caprice Nisei inside. However this does not seem particularly efficient.

EDIT: How to get more out of Bandwidth:

Crisium Grid - rez if they don't break the and force the runner to keep the tag! Plus Crisium Grid is a great card anyway.

Sub Boost - fixes some of the positional problems of Bandwidth - you can even have it as the 'bottom' ICE and give it End the Run. Now the runner needs to deal with a Str 5 Barrier/Code Gate (probably costing D4v1d counters).

The Pachinko thing honestly isn't that bad. The setup is so cheap that you just slap a handy asset into the resulting server and leave it there (although the click cost to get the server setup is kind of a problem) —

The benefit of a Pop-up Window combined with a hard End the run. subroutine. This card is best suited for all the same purposes that you would use a Pop-up for. Tax/econ swing on centrals and a cheap tax ice to defend econ assets. The downside compared to Pop-up is that it will cost two influence outside of Weyland.

Now it may be tempting to start adding Sensei, Marker, TL;DR or Sub Boost to this to maximise the economic benefit. Don't do it. You will be gilding the very breakable and Parasite vulnerable lily by trying to boost the number of subs on this ice whilst filling your deck with substandard positional ice. If you really want to 'double' the effect you may as well just play a second copy, or a Pop-up, or both. Even better, just add more econ cards to your deck, you won't regret it.

Just remember that installing any Fracter apart from Cerberus "Lady" H1, Aurora, Battering Ram or GS Sherman M3 will effectively turn Bailiff into a Pop-up, so it can't be used to defend anything that's really valuable.

I'd consider using sub boost on it, maybe. But yeah, definitely not positional ice, cause it'll be out of place after the parasite install. —
So, assuming it doesn't get parasited down, it's pretty much early game defense, late game money? —
Bingo. This thing becomes as much of an econ card as Pop-up, which is pretty good. —

Reflection is a Console that gives +1 and +1 for just 2. This compares quite favourably to Dyson Mem Chip if we were just to treat this as a normal piece of hardware.

However Reflection will take up your console slot so the big question is which IDs is it best suited for?

It's supposed to be played with Nero Severn: Information Broker where it will turn on Underworld Contacts for some beautiful drip econ, as well as synergising with Nero's jack out ability. In Nero Reflection would be a big boost for early pressure, being very cheap to install and helping Nero to time runs with Legwork or time the installation of a HQ Interface.

This is also a fantastic econ card for Iain Stirling: Retired Spook, letting him set up Data Folding and Underworld Contacts very cheaply. However it does deny him the use of Logos which is an important card in common Iain builds.

A new archetype may be emerging however leading to a revival of Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie who can also make use of Underworld Contacts. Andy was hurt by the MWL rounding up her favourite console: Desperado (not to mention Yog.0 as well). Combining Reflection with multiple Au Revoir can potentially earn 3 per run and reveal pieces of the Corp's hand. Maybe a Snitch really is a girl's best friend.


  • Legwork and HQ Interface have already been mentioned. But Sneakdoor Beta will get you into that hand to try and steal the agenda you saw.
  • Hemorrhage and Utopia Shard can be more effective when you know what's in HQ as well.
  • Unlike Security Testing, Dirty Laundry or Bank Job there is nothing* the corp can do to stop the Snitch/Au Revior combo - Reflection just makes it better.
  • Recon works as well - but if you are using this console you're probably using Snitch already, so it's not a good choice.

*Note: Corp can in fact Power Shutdown or SEA Source + Bad Times. I doubt this is a realistic threat however.

**Rules clarification on Snitch: Since the runner jacks out before step 2.3 the corp cannot rez the Ice. This means that unless the corp has Ice rezzing abilities (Accelerated Beta Test, Priority Requisition, Executive Boot Camp, Eliza's Toybox, Oversight AI, Bioroid Efficiency Research etc.) you can use the Snitch/Au Revoir combo all day long. Crescentus and Emergency Shutdown will also derez Ice as well. All you need is a piecce of unrezzed Ice on any server after all.

Jinteki can score out three Ancestral Imager to discourage Au Revoir/Reflection abuse. ...though I'm not sure why they would. —

There are a few cards worth comparing Inside Man with, Modded and The Supplier. Modded is a free one-shot that pays you back the to play it and saves you up to 3 on one card. The Supplier has the same cost and the same installation discount per turn for a single card. Both Modded and the Supplier also give you the flexibility of installing Programs or Resources respectively, which in most cases at least double their potential utility. The only thing Inside Man can do that these two popular cards cannot is that it can give you free installs for two pieces of 1 hardware. That kind of hardware points to Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar who loves installing multiple pieces of cheap hardware (or cheap anything) every turn. However Hayley usually uses Personal Workshop for installing Hardware and Programs since it lets her install during the Corp's turn as well, getting a bonus trigger of her ID ability. Unfortunately those runners seem quite finicky about letting Inside Man into their Personal Workshops so these two cards do not synergise - in fact they overlap and work at cross purposes.

I will make one last comparison: Daily Casts - it's also a 0 influence 3 resource that gives you 2 a turn. Daily Casts starts paying back the first turn after it's installed and will quickly boost the runner's economy. Inside Man on the other hand either demands the runner tank his or her tempo by installing a lot of hardware immediately or wait a long time before seeing a positive return on investment for installing Inside Man. Don't forget that Daily Casts credits can be spent on anything.

I think it's fair to claim that in at least 90% of the runner decks in the meta Daily Casts will make more money more quickly than Inside Man ever will. This is why an overwhelming number of runner decks include Daily Casts and do not even consider including Inside Man.

"in fact they overlap and work at cross purposes." Not quite. The Supplier's creds are for the hardware you are installing from your hand during the corp turn. —
I see what you are saying, to really make use of that strategy you would need something like 15 hardware 3x Personal Workshop and 3x Inside Man in the deck. The other thing is around half of that hardware has to be expensive - as in cost $2+ for the discount to matter. At this point the strategy no longer works well with Hayley/Aesops, Hayley/Netchip or Hayley/Stealth the point I'm trying to make with my review is that you would need to wreck your deck composition in order to 'utilise' Inside Man. —