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Adam's Investment Portfolio (4th place Birmingham SC) | 6 | 5 | 1 |
Westworld Adam | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Adam the Turtle Tamer (Malaysia 2017 Nationals 2nd) | 14 | 10 | 5 |
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Oh, what a difference a card makes - Adam after Find the Truth really is a man (?) with a new lease on life.
This list is heavily based on the shell from Zeromus' Run Sometimes from Worlds 2016 which is the first really good published list to my knowledge that really optimized the Find the Truth/No ABR/Temüjin style.
Zeromus did an excellent writeup on the basics of the build so I suggest you start with that first if you are interested. Here are the main insights from his writeup together with what I've learned when trying to take it further and updating it for the SC 2017 meta over the last few months:
Starting without Always Be Running (ABR) gives you a much more stable early game. As with any runner, you actually want to do some setup before starting to waste even one click at the start of each turn running, let alone three if you are breaking something.
No ABR means that you can trigger the card draw from Safety First on the very first turn and pretty much every turn from there. Clickless draw from the start is quite good!
No ABR also reduces the chance of the mandatory trash from Neutralize All Threats to wreck your entire start by trashing the wrong thing and dipping too low on creds.
The transparency that Find the Truth gives is not equally valuable for both sides. Even if you don't see agendas off the top of RnD, you can deduce so much of the contents of the Corp's hand and unrezzed ice that it allows you to play a much better game of Netrunner. On the flip side, you are rarely hurt from what the Corp sees. Yes, there are times when it gets akward (Target Marketing, Salem's Hospitality etc) but in general, the information you are giving out is much less valuable than the one you are gaining.
The core of the build is only 11 influence - 3 Temüjin, 2 e3, 1 Inti, 3 Overmind and 2 Always Be Running, 3 Brain Chip. Together with the good neutral economy cards (Daily Casts, Sure Gamble, Dirty Laundry) that gives you your basic economy and breaker suite and locks down your first 23 cards. I've found this to be the very core of all of the builds I've tried and would strongly suggest to not change this core if you still want the deck to function like the Running Sometimes deck.
The rest (14 inf, 22 cards) are variable. There are definitely cards that are better in most builds than others. For draw, the 2 Drug Dealer (only ever install one) + Dr. Lovegood combo is amazing for only two influence. If you want even more synergestic draw and economy (and you usually do), adding 3 Career Fair and 1-3 Earthrise Hotel helps a lot with the extra benefit of Career Fair greatly increasing the chance of reducing your hand enough to let Safety First trigger right away. If you add this, you are left with about 9 inf and 13 cards. Most of the builds that have worked for me went this route.
For the rest, it's much more open. I've experimented with 3 Gang Sign being the last 9 influence. It's obviously great with the free HQ Interface from Neutralize All Threats but Aaron Marrón was just too good in the deck (like in every deck) to pass up in the end in the build I went with. Adding two Aarons leaves you at 5 inf. Adding 1 "Freedom Through Equality" has great synergy with Find the Truth and helps close out games in almost all matchups. After those adds, there are 10 cards left to pick.
Employee Strikes are great in almost every matchup, but you already knew that. Having an out to Scarcity of Resources (yikes) doesn't hurt either. The Turning Wheel is a solid plan if your Find the Truth gets trashed or you really need to assemble a big run to check the entire hand.
The rest is really playing the meta. For the SC I attended (and went 4-0 in), my calls weren't actually that great. In testing, I noticed that a single Net Shield together with all the clickless draw greatly improved the IG49/PU/RP Prison matchups so I went with that - and didn't face a single one :) Hunting Grounds was another add to combat Komainu/Brainstorm/Data Raven/IP Block/Toolbooth etc, didn't come up either. :) Luckily the core of the deck was good enough to carry through those dead cards. Councilman however is great in most matchups and also clears out of the hand really well to enable Safety First, might add more of those in the future.
For influence-free fillers, Armitage Codebusting is a good fallback when you are locked out with your Temüjin and is easy to drop to continue drawing, but 3 might be one too many. Kati Jones was a leftover from when I played Gang Sign and was pretty trash, will definitely cut that one.
Mad Dash from the upcoming Daedalus pack is a superb card for Adam, 1-2 might find their way into the deck as a complement or replacement to Freedom Through Equality.
Hope you liked the writeup format and the deck building insights, any feedback is appreciated! Adam isn't the most accessible of runners, but his starting abilities are terrifying and unique if you know how to put them to good use.
20 Feb 2017
21 Feb 2017
Have you tried tophat with adam? I've been enjoying it since it compliments find the truth. |
21 Feb 2017
21 Feb 2017
22 Feb 2017
Just realized you don't have public sympathies. Hum, wonder if the tradeoff against Earthrise would be worth it. Get the Safety first draws earlier vs the speed of earthrise. |
22 Feb 2017
22 Feb 2017
23 Feb 2017
I just felt salty playing against a HB Cybernetics Division with Enforced Curfew and a scored Self Destruct Chips. |
23 Feb 2017
how about Injection Atack? It has super synergy with Overmind. How many Mad Dash would you put in ? |
23 Feb 2017
I would put 1-2 Mad Dash in, and then think long and hard about if I think that I'll be able to combine it with Freedom through Equality reliably or not. Only problem with Mad Dash is that it doesn't cycle out of hand (starting to see a pattern? ;) ) so you might want to limit the number in your deck, but 1-2 should be fine and very powerful with FTT. |
25 Feb 2017
Noob question, do you ever run out of power counters on Overmind? 3 before your first steal sounds like not much. |
25 Feb 2017
25 Feb 2017
I ran with a modified version of this deck at a SC. My changes were:
My thoughts on the deck like that are:
But overall, man, Adam is fun to run. Tools to deal with fast advance and power shutdown would have made my day easier. The core of this deck won't rotate out in six months either, and as such it really seems he's going to be more powerful very soon (especially after replacing "Freedom Through Equality" with Mad Dash for zero influence). |
26 Feb 2017
This deck seems really cool. Awesome to see it performed nice as well. Im curious about the intended playstyle with Find The Truth. Do you try to trigger Find The Truth every turn if able? like, do you make a decent number of runs just for the trigger and no other purpose? (I understand once you get your contracts up this becomes a non-issue) Or do you feel like the deck plays better with more of a setup and tempo efficiency focus, with find the truth firing on runs you need to make throughout the game? |
27 Feb 2017
If I can't get into RnD that also means I can't get into remotes, which is quite bad. In that case, I usually draw / play stuff / Armitage more aggressively so I can find an Overmind / ABR / e3 / Inti as fast as possible and end up in a position where I threaten remotes and RnD. If you get stuck on cards in hand that doesn't rotate (extra copies of Aaron, Lovegood, ABR etc), it's sometimes the right call to spend a turn to overdraw and sac that dead weight even if it turns off Safety First for one turn. Also, don't disregard the possibility of doing a slightly more expensive HQ run to get an FTT if you suspect agendas in there (especially opening hand cards that you haven't seen through FTT). This will also give you a FTT peek which could yield anything from a double score to 3 cards worth of information (2 from hand, 1 from RnD) which is not to be underestimated. |
27 Feb 2017
I ran this list over the weekend, my only change being swapping Freedom for a Mad Dash. That's definitely a great change. Otherwise, any changes to the econ that others have mentioned do not help in the face of glacier, or outpacing a kill. |
3 Mar 2017
Great writeup! It does better than I have ever seen at pointing out where you can very for your local meta. I'll be running this Adam skeleton for a while now- its a total blast! |
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GGs. This deck truly is a work of art.
Here's an image from my and Sysps stimulating 3h roadtrip to this SC![ROADTRIP YEAH image]()