At the beginning of the card, this card is amazing! You can choose the correct type without a problem. Its self derez effect makes this ice expensive to use, unless you are also playing Vovô Ozetti. Paying 1 for a (possibly) 3 subs ice is fairly good. But 3 is too expensive.
This ice is obviouly meant to be played in Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power, where it would consistently get a 4th subroutine and +1 strength. Again, good if you have Vovô Ozetti.
Of note, those subs matters. And possibly getting 2 subs to fire makes this even better.
Considering all this, it is a fun idea for an ice, but will be a low priority ice (unless you are playing Thunderbolt Armaments: Peace Through Power). There are so many great ices in HB.
The art is trying to convey the effect of the card. The chosen animal (buffalo for barrier, snake for sentry and lion for code gate) actually help understanding the concept of the card. Which is also in the name of the card. Everything combo together really well. Well done!