With the addition of Cupellation to rip deal is in a much better place. Mixing in Docklands Pass as well and you're quickly able to recur a hand full of cards with Rip Deal. Being it's a run event this slots really well into Prepaid Ken. With 3 Prepaid VoicePAD you actually gain a credit and are click neutral with Swift.
Ken “Express” Tenma: Disappeared Clone also has 17 influence which makes importing high impact run events in from other factions. With just 1-2 copies of key events you can grab them back alongside key event economy or even have a zero influence way to recur your Ashen Epilogue if you're going that way.
Cupellation is what really makes this card shine. I am currently running three copies in my Ken Deck. The interaction is such that you trash Cupellation before you recur with Rip Deal so it can self target the copy you used to expand your access amount. I will occasionally even do some cuppellation juggling. Have two Cupellation in play, one loaded and one empty. Run and access 4-5 cards so that you can extract key corp cards like End of the Line or Punitive Counterstrike. Next use Rip Deal to charge back in, get back your Cupellation and some other toys.
In faction you have plenty of solid targets
Out of faction Rip Deal lets you virtually run extra copies of cards you've dished out precious influence for. And puts them directly back in your hand.
- Khusyuk is my current flavor.
- Deep Dive is a great target and Rip Deal counts as one of your runs.
- Trick Shot if you're gonna do some sort of Trick shot ken deck you could maybe make this work
- Divide and Conquer is popular in some Criminals and this could get you a couple more uses.
- En Passant going from 3 copies to 6 or 9 is pretty interesting in an econ denial crim...
- Bahia Bands is actually a fantastic recurssion target vs Asset Spam where you'll want to keep getting runs, trash credits and card draw.
You do need to either empty your hand or have extra hand size to deal with the influx of cards.
Overall this card paired with Cupellation is performing a bit better than Initially anticipated for me.
Well, in the case of HHN the condition was doing a successful run. Here the runner needs to either trash or steal. Also HHN could land in turn 2 full 4 tags. Here to land the 4 tags you need to wait until thread 3 so the runner (may) have some tools do defend themself
— valerian32