Environmental Testing’s “install four programs/hardware” mini-game is kinda/sorta halfway between time-based econ (like Daily Casts) and clicked-based econ (like Telework Contract):

  • While you need clicks to install programs, you don't need to waste a click on just taking credits (same as good run-based econ).

  • While you only have about four clicks per turn, you can easily "cash out" quickly (like triple-clicking a Liberated Account).


  • It's econ that's non-generic (& non-neutral): You don't just “wait for credits” or “click for credits”, you build your deck around the two card-types it cares about, and you play your games to speedrun it or not. (Even if it were neutral/0inf, IDs can't just drag-n-drop it in for some extra econ.)

  • It counts up (not down) to be charge-able.


For example, with DZMZ+ET+Lily, installing a program a turn will save you $1, get you “$1.5” closer, and draw you 1 card (see “The Metric Octopus - 11th at Worlds 2023” ).

You can accelerate it easily, ET–I–I’ing one turn then I–I’ing the very next turn (as long as you already had them in grip, or could draw into them, or have been re-installing cards, or so on); though you will be spending credits (on installations) after having sunk three (into installing it itself). You can “compress” it too: install a SMC or Simulchip the same turn (as ET), but crack it on the Corp's turn (double-triggering a LilyPAD; then, on your next turn, install Muse–for–Coalescence*, popping ET (while setting up your rig at the same time).

PS. An ID like Hayley Kaplan, which triggers on either turns (Runner and Corp alike), could have popped ET by manually installing only a single program (on R-turn) and then cracking SMC (on C-turn).

As @dnddmdb says in their review, "one click for six credits is simply very strong".

This gives tempo to the corp. While it is not a "trash on sight" card, it has an ability that can really change the course of the game : install something from archive directly, anywhere, at no cost (but no rez).

This is not to be underestimated, as that can give the corp powerful asset/upgrade (like Rashida Jaheem, Wage Workers and The Holo Man), trashed ices (like Border Control) or even an agenda (that can be put inside the protected server, waiting to be scored next turn).

What might have been an exchange of installing The Powers That Be in an earlier turn, to install a card later (a click spent now to save a click later), can become a powerful tempo boost. And this synergize even more with Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance and A Teia: IP Recovery, since those corp gain additional benefit from a free install. Possibly, Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center could get a boost also.

The 1 influence for EVERY corp is a fair price for this asset. Much cheaper than using Restore in influences. At a trash cost of 3, it is costly enough to give pause to the runner.

Here is a fun shenanigans that can be done in the Jinteki faction. If you score Hybrid Release using Kakurenbo, you get to put any installable card from archive AND install something from archive or HQ, thus getting 2 installed cards for an agenda point and 2.

The art is amazing and could easily be on a playmat. The quote goes with the art to indirectly refers to Jeitinho, where the runner wins the game by "knifing" 3 times. So much dimensions to this. Amazing!


Part of the wandering sysop quatuor, with Vovô Ozetti, Adrian Seis and The Holo Man. Of the four, Isaac Liberdade is the least used, mainly because The Holo Man is so powerful.

There are precious few cards that boost the strength of ices. There is Rime, Brasília Government Grid, Helheim Servers and Corporate Troubleshooter.

Isaac Liberdade had an advantage over all those strength booster. First, an advancement is put on the ice, which can be used for other purpose later and second, moving around means Isaac Liberdade can go protect the most vulnerable server.

In the startup format, boosting the strength count more, since breaker availability is not the same. Also, there are ice that get better the more advancement they have, such as Ice Wall, Logjam, Colossus and Mestnichestvo. Getting a free advancement on those, on top of boost to the ice strength, is precious.

Sadly for Isaac Liberdade, it will be matchup dependent. Against a runner who has Lobisomem, boosting by +2 means an extra cost of only 1 for the runner. This also does not help against bypass effect, such as Physarum Entangler, neither does it do anything against direct sub breaking, such as with Boomerang or Botulus. This is why it is not much used in standard, as it would be very much matchup dependent. Adding to this that Isaac Liberdade cost 3 to use. Making it more useful in a glacier deck, where multiple ice can get those counters, thus costing the runner much more than the price of Isaac Liberdade.

At 2 influence, the card could be imported out of faction. But since you can get Corporate Troubleshooter for 1 influence and probably a much stronger effect, then you have to evaluate how good it is in its slot. But, if the runner has to face 3 ices that are 7 strength in a row, it might be enough to secure a remote. It would also allow a corp to have lots of cheap ice that would get a decent strength.

I only wish there was a bit of space for a quote, to give us a sense of the character of Isaac Liberdade. Otherwise, the name is nice ("Libertade" = "Freedom") and the art is very much in line with the idea of a Weyland system operator (sysop). Well done.


Nanuq (🐻‍❄️) is kinda like a “Current AI”.

Unlike other temporary icebreakers (Mayfly, Revolver, Propeller, etc) it's not recurrable/rechargeable, because it RFGs (not trashes) itself.

And unlike Runner currents (Rumor Mill) or single-turn icebreakers (Chameleon), it only helps you steal agendas during a single run.

So much synergies with so many cards in Weyland. This operation is just awesome.

It synergize with :

If the corp has a shell game plan, this is the cheap version of using Mitosis, nearly just as good (0 is hard to beat), but not as fast.

This makes advanceable ice outside of Weyland Consortium: Built to Last much easier to use, since this card save 2 and one click to advance two ices. This the efficiency equivalent of Red Level Clearance.

Best of all, this is only one influence, allowing any corp to import it easily. A lot of asset spam deck use some kind of advanceable threat, where Business As Usual would shine.

On top of that, it can be used as a much cheaper version of Mavirus. Yes, Reverse Infection still exist, but nobody plays it (it is an ok card though). Especially in Startup, where Mavirus is not present.

The art, the quote, the effect and the name go together completly. Wonderful!