Environmental Testing’s “install four programs/hardware” mini-game is kinda/sorta halfway between time-based econ (like Daily Casts) and clicked-based econ (like Telework Contract):
While you need clicks to install programs, you don't need to waste a click on just taking credits (same as good run-based econ).
While you only have about four clicks per turn, you can easily "cash out" quickly (like triple-clicking a Liberated Account).
It's econ that's non-generic (& non-neutral): You don't just “wait for credits” or “click for credits”, you build your deck around the two card-types it cares about, and you play your games to speedrun it or not. (Even if it were neutral/0inf, IDs can't just drag-n-drop it in for some extra econ.)
It counts up (not down) to be
Program-“Fetching” Programs/Hardware (since they double-trigger ET): Self-modifying Code, Muse (e.g. Muse–Coalescence gets you two triggers for zero credits off one card in grip), Simulchip, Gachapon, etc.
Clickless Program-Installs: esp. in Arissana Rocha Nahu.
Self-“Bouncing” Programs & Program-Bouncers (once you re-install): Pichação, Urban Art Vernissage, etc.
Other “Program-/Hardware-fall” triggers, Program-Cheapeners, Program-only Hosted-Credits, or so on (every program becomes cheaper to install and/or better upon being installed): LilyPAD, DZMZ Optimizer, etc; even Az McCaffrey and Prognostic Q-Loop in Crim.
Cheap Programs/Hardware (just sleeving up a lot in your deck, duh).
For example, with DZMZ+ET+Lily, installing a program a turn will save you $1
, get you “$1.5
” closer, and draw you 1 card
(see “The Metric Octopus - 11th at Worlds 2023” ).
You can accelerate it easily, ET–I–I’ing one turn then I–I’ing the very next turn (as long as you already had them in grip, or could draw into them, or have been re-installing cards, or so on); though you will be spending credits (on installations) after having sunk three (into installing it itself). You can “compress” it too: install a SMC or Simulchip the same turn (as ET), but crack it on the Corp's turn (double-triggering a LilyPAD; then, on your next turn, install Muse–for–Coalescence*, popping ET (while setting up your rig at the same time).
PS. An ID like Hayley Kaplan, which triggers on either turns (Runner and Corp alike), could have popped ET by manually installing only a single program (on R-turn) and then cracking SMC (on C-turn).
As @dnddmdb
says in their review, "one click for six credits is simply very strong".