Shoot the Moon πŸŒ™ 18-0 across 6 events, 8th APAC & 4th ICC

maninthemoon 2232


Yes, 18 wins zero losses is my current tournament record on the list over the last 6 events I've played in 😳

The Dream

A bit of background:

I've been playing around with Midnight-3 Arcology PD lists since just after worlds last year. I originally thought the idea was just a meme, a very fun meme, but I wasn't really taking it seriously. I found the original QTM Midnight PD interesting, but after losing to NetDad's Too Big to Fail PD during swiss at worlds I was curious enough to start playing with my own versions. As I continued to refine the list it became less and less of a meme. After losing my Holo Ops list to the Bellona ban I needed to find another corp. I played a weaker version of this in ACC with more FA and no Offworlds. The list showed a lot of promise, but didn't become the power house it is now until I hit on this version. Though this deck is clearly incredibly strong I think it's managed to fly under the radar as I so far haven't been able to pair it with an equally strong list runner side.

CI combo

Meta Thoughts:

Why is this deck good? It's faster then most runners, but also incredibly flexible. You can rush faster then a typical Void PD deck, but you can also slow down and lock up your centrals vs WT Ari or EsΓ’. Big Deal and NEXT Activation Command give this deck powerful tools to close out games vs mid to late game runners who could crack your remote.

Honestly I have been wanting to play around with @Santa's Thule deck. It's super strong and very cool if you haven't seen it do check it out, but I just can't justify putting this down while it's still undefeated πŸ˜…

100% win rate


From my experience this list is harder to play then Holo Ops if similarly powerful. First and foremost in order to win you need to understand how you are going to lose the game. This is important because in a lot of the current meta matchups you have to play more defense then your typical rush list.

Step one - Rashida Jaheem: In almost every matchup you want to open Rashida behind an ice. This gives you credits and card draw you need to continue rushing out, or stabilizing in a matchup you have to play defense. One of the best ways to shut this list down is to try and cripple it economically in the first few turns. The list can be considerably resilient though and if you're behind you can often play cautiously for a few turns and stabilize pretty well.

Step two - Midnight-3 Arcology: In general this is the best agenda to score. Recurring YDL after scoring a Midnight is this deck's bread and butter. Versus WT Ari OffOff can sometimes be the better score since you can't let your credit total and defenses dip down even if you'll be bouncing back with Your Digital Life the next turn.

Step three - RLC and Greasing: Use these cards to get full value out of your 10+ card hand. This means you can often snowball scores while still protecting centrals. In general you want to either use RLC's turn one for draw and acceleration or save them for a turn where you need the addition click for a critical install.

Step four - Big Deal: I would say at least 10-12 of the 18 wins have been with a BD close. BD gives you such a strong finish and although FAing Ikawah for your 3rd score is amazing, you can also YDL> install > BD a 4/2 as an easy 4th score from as little at 9 or so credits.

Draw 25

Slots and Advice


Amazing Ice, I'd play 13 gatekeepers and nothing else if I could. The 6 strength and draw is amazing on facecheck. I have shuffled back agendas maybe 2x in all the games I have played. Even if you are flooded I'd recommend keeping the agendas you need them for winning and if the runner steals one or two it's fine.

Spin Doctor:

95% of the time I think Spins should be rezed on the opponents turn. This is particularly true for YDL lists, but for rush in general it always surprises me when I see people rez spin on their own turn. If you primarily install and rez Spin immediately try leaving it un-rezed, you might find you like it better. (note: glacier, assets, ob and some other corps use spin in a much different manner and this advice doesn't apply to all decks).

For this deck in particular you almost never pop the spin doctors. You usually want to let your opponent trash them or just over install them. The spin doctor is often more powerful in archives with Ablative Barrier and Drafter than recurring a couple of cards. That being said there are plenty of situations were you would want to pop spin, but usually only to shuffle back your second copies of cards from archives. ⬇️

Precision Design ID ability:

In this deck you are only pulling Seamless Launch back about ~40% of the time with the ID. You want to pull Your Digital Life after most Midnight-3 Arcology scores and you want to pull Rashida Jaheem, Big Deal, NEXT Activation Command and Sudden Commandment back situationally depending on how you plan to close out the game.

Sudden Commandment:

This is a very powerful card and part of what pushed this deck from tier 1.5 to one of the best decks I have every played. 80% of the time this card is just the 4th RLC which is fantastic as RLC is one of the best cards in the list for sure. But, Sudden Commandment has a much higher celling than RLC letting you YDL before big dealing out an Ikawah Project or FAing Luminal to close after a mid game Ikawah or three 4/2s.


Another amazing card in the current meta. This is primarily there for Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga, but also feels incredibly good vs early and mid game Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist.


This doubles as an annoyance for Ari and Esa and can actually end up as your scoring ice when combined with NAC vs Turbine-less Buzzsaw rigs (looking at you Begemot).

Ablative Barrier:


No Hedge Fund:

The card is a crutch I quit cold turkey 6 months ago and it's felt great. It's like cutting out all the junk food and snorting a kilo of kale every morning. . . liberating.


I always find replays are one of the best way to learn a deck. I didn't get around to adding them originally, but here are a few games you can check out.

I ended up play @Xiaat's World Tree Ari twice over APAC and ICC. These were some of the closest games I had, but I think this PD is one for the few decks actually favored into WT Ari right now. @Xiaat you have gotten so good! ❀️ Both games were a total pleasure to play.

Game 9 in APAC
Game 1 in ICC

This is a pretty great game vs @ThatsNoMun's reg sable. I think ThatsNoMun played extremely well, but this deck can play really solid centrals defense and then FA to win. Not something that run based sable likes. I think this list does much better into crim then typical skunk void PD. This game is a great example of RLC's power and utility.

APAC Cut game 3

Reg Hoshiko with Maw. The ID ability is so nice here. I decided to just rush out in this game and didn't stabilize centrals until fairly late in the game. Maw can't hurt you that bad if you keep drawing a lot of cards. Just make sure you can still score your agendas if the Seamless/s get maw-ed.

APAC Game 6

Shout outs and Thanks!

I have to mention fellow Muntal Bost member @ThatsNoMun who took this list to APAC fairly last minute and ended up making the cut and placing 12th. It was a true shame knocking you out of the cut friend πŸ’”

If you have any questions or thoughts about the deck list, ideas for a solid runner I can play, or anything else feel free to throw them in the comments πŸ™‚ I try to make sure I read and reply to everyone!! ❀️

I'm going to be running another Summer Showdown in two weeks with US and APAC friendly timing. There are some bonuses for signing up before 7/20 and/or playing in your first-time online tournament!! I'm hoping people can use this event to help prep for Cascadia (West coast Nats) and just have a blast. I've been wanting to run an event to help support the APAC Netrunner scene for a while now and it's finally happening. Please join in and help make it a huge success. You can even play for free if the ticket cost would hold you back at all ❀️

@Santa, @CTZ and I will be running a stream for some wild, wacky and hopefully hilarious off meta netrunner content this coming Monday evening (Pacific time). Check it out here ➑️

I want to say a huge thank you to NSG, Kror, the team running EMEA and all the wonderful players and commentators who came together to make this whole continentals season such a wonderful success! It was a total blast and I look forward to even more next year πŸ‘€ πŸ₯³

Lastly I want to thank my team Muntal Bost for being incredibly supportive, fantastic friends and powerful netrunner players! Keep up the amazing work, I love you all!!

As always feeling so blessed to be part of such a great community ❀️

~ Abraham (ManintheMoon)

PS: Love you back @Jan Tuno

14 Jul 2024 Wentagon

Instructions unclear there are now plants in my nose

(dope deck, sick plays, great writeup well done mr moon man πŸ’š)

14 Jul 2024 Santa

Sick deck!

Running is hard πŸ˜… Have you tried this Ayla? πŸ‘€ Jk jk, we need to find a runner deck that works 😝

14 Jul 2024 SMITTYL

Creative as always! But more importantly such a community builder. Appreciative as always!

14 Jul 2024 ThatsNoMun

when in doubt, draw your entire deck

very fun, deceptively hard to pilot. great piece of construction Abraham

14 Jul 2024 ctz


14 Jul 2024 Havvy

always love your decks - can't wait to give this one a try!

14 Jul 2024 Wenjong

Absolutely amazing work on this deck, the creativity and depth are truly inspiring. Going 18-0 is an outstanding achievement, and the 10/10 write-up are huuuuugely helpful, as always. ^^

If i may, can i ask for more of your wisdom to help us fast track internalizing some of the deck's intricacies, specifically:

  • Any chance you can post some replays, and how would you pilot vs. some of the more meta defining runner archetypes like WT Ari, Reg Lat, and Reg Hosh?

  • I'm particularly intrigued by your mentioning of Red Level Clearance. Could you elaborate on why you consider it the best card in the deck?

  • Will the deck struggle more against econ-denial / control crim decks (e.g. Reg 419 / sable?), and would you recommend pilot or keep/mul differently for those?

Looking forward to jamming some games with this and get a taste of this amazing creation!!

15 Jul 2024 Diogene

Amazing deck post, very well written! Congratulations on all your well deserved wins.

Question : what do you Mulligan for with this deck?

Thanks. Cheers!

15 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

Thanks so much @Wentagon, @Santa, @SMITTYL, @ThatsNoMun, @ctz ,@Havvy!!🩡 ❀️ πŸ’› πŸ’š

15 Jul 2024 NetDad

Way to keep the yodel dream alive!

15 Jul 2024 maninthemoon


  • I got some replays added, great suggestion!

  • RLC is used in two main ways, two cards and a click or install and click. The first option lets you accelerate early and find a critical YDL when you have a large hand of cards and no way to pay out. The second option lets you make use of your large over draw turns. After playing 1-2 YDLs you have ~9 cards in hand and only 1-2 clicks. The RLCs lets you make use of the large hand by defending centrals or reinforcing the remote while still jamming and sometimes even adv-ing the next agenda. This list used to have one Biotic Labor in it and on multiple occasions I would find myself value biotic-ing for an extra install. RLC is effectively a 1 cost Biotic 🀷 Unless you're going to discard a card you really want to keep just save the RLCs until you need the extra click.

  • I think this PD is better into Crim than standard PD. YDL let's you bounce back from low credit totals Hermes even helps it pay out one more, RLC helps with Hermes and Doof, lastly Big Deal is fantastic way to close if you're ahead or just play credit sim until you hit 18. But honestly I haven't run across that much crim with this deck yet. I played vs ThatsNoMun in the APAC cut and that replay is linked above.

  • I think the worst matchup is probably Esa, but so far I'm 2-0 vs quite strong esa players. Maybe just lucky games, but it's not a doomed matchup.

Let me know if you end up with more questions after playing the list for awhile.

15 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

Primarily ETR + Rashida, or Rashida, ETRs, YDL + 1-2x RLC.

If you have a OffOff + Seamless + ETR and it's a matchup you don't expect a turn one remote bust (ie bankhar deck) that can be a good keep. Getting a turn one OffOff pinholed feels sooo good 😁

15 Jul 2024 maninthemoon


The dream

The dream is well and truly alive ❀️ Thanks for the inspirational game at worlds πŸ˜€

17 Jul 2024 koga

I absolutely love it. I remember seeing Sudden Commandment spoiled and thinking of your list, I'm glad you found a way to refine it even more with it! Can't wait to play it a bunch

17 Jul 2024 enby

played this deck all day today. its awesome! ^w^

18 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

@Geraldortiz123 Welcome to the conversation :) I'm I bit confused by your message. Maybe it's a translation software issue or you might just be a friendly πŸ€– ? Happy to have you all the same.

@koga Yeah Sudden Commandment has been a gem! Please let me know what you think once you get some reps in :D

@enby So glad you are enjoying the list!! I totally agree ❀️ Thanks for sharing the enthusiasm.

20 Jul 2024 419

@maninthemoonTremendous deck thank you and the write up is stellar. Squinting the eyes at the strategy it has a sense of the infamous Necropotence deck which broke MTG (I don't play but heard about it). Genius.πŸ’ŽπŸ§¬

21 Jul 2024 Dzerards

You can add another 5-0 to the win-loss ratio after my CO today. I can't remember such a fun, incredibly proactive corp deck since the days of Astrotrain. But does everyone else just seem to win by the skin of their teeth every game or is that just me?

22 Jul 2024 riverluna

Jnet laggy so MitM drops this to speed up everyones games? Whadda gem πŸ˜‡

23 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

@419 Thanks ❀️ Creating this deck has been a blast! I'm really glad you enjoyed the write up. I played MTG some around 2008, but never ran across the Necropotence deck. From what I read on mtg fandom though it sounds like a pretty sweet list!

23 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

@Dzerards Epic!! I'm glad you're choose to play the list and it served you well! Let's keep the streak alive πŸ₯³

23 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

@riverluna Anything to help with the awful lag πŸ˜„ Glad you're enjoying the games πŸ’―

23 Jul 2024 Nicky3.0

fwiw 18-0 is a grade of stainless steel :)

23 Jul 2024 saff

This helped me win my first standard CO! Fantastic list and excellent writeup!

24 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

@Nicky3.0 I didn’t know that, fun! Thanks for sharing πŸ˜„

@saff awesome! Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ

24 Jul 2024 Anzekay

18-0 is a heck of a record, mate, absolutely brilliant showing with a fantastic deck! I remember when discussing this card internally this was very much the sort of deck we all hoped to see it showing up in (in either NBN or HB) and seeing it do such work in the wild, especially at a 3inf splash in HB, is very rad. Love the writeup, love the list; well deserved results and DOTW to boot!

24 Jul 2024 Schr0dinger

Thanks a lot for writing such a complete guide. I've just being playing for 2 months or so and this kind of effort really helps me improve as a player. The inclusion of replays are specially useful as I learn a lot from watching them and trying to guess the turn and then reflect about the differences. After SkunkVoid PD, this is my second corp deck in Standard, paired with a Swift Lat, and I'm having A BLAST. Can't wait to learn more and enter a testing group to access THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE :-)

25 Jul 2024 Gyro88

Sick deck!

I've played similar decks since NetDad published Yodel Riot a little while back, but mine are on Arella and all 2-pointers. Have you tried any variants like that?

The all-2-pointers suite vs 2 Ikawahs could go either way I feel, but I think that potentially halving your game length and getting all the value that comes with Arella triggers is worth more to the deck than, say, the difference between Tatu-Bola and more Ablatives. Not to mention that you can sometimes keep your oversize hand up for multiple turns by chaining consecutive Midnights.

7 Aug 2024 enby

Went 3-2 with this at Cascadia. I'm new to competitive play, so this felt great for me ^^ i did -1 hagen +1 bran for the event

8 Aug 2024 maninthemoon

@Anzekay I'm glad you enjoy the deck and write up. Love Sudden Commandment

@Schr0dinger I'm glad the deck is working for you. I have had such a blast playing it! Testing groups are just made up of people. You can always start your own with friends that's one of the best ways :)

@Gyro88 Arella Salvatore HB is a very fun way to play the game. I tested Arella some in my first versions, but found this fit my play style better.

@enby That's better then my record at Cascadia! I was 3-3 πŸ˜„ -1 Hagen +1 Bran is a decent call if you don't expect a lot of World Tree Ari and Aumakua. Glad you enjoyed the deck and felt like it worked for you!