Run Every Turn - Nyusha Theorycrafting

Shishu 663

I feel like most people see me as an Anarch exclusive player, probably because I've had Edward Kim as my slack avatar for pretty much ever.

But as much as I love Eddie Kim, criminals who can run every turn have always been my second love. My first regional tournament I played a Ken Tenma Notoriety/Quest Completed deck. I played Keyhole Andy in the first Nisei eternal tournament. Doppelgänger is my all-time favorite console. And if you asked me which criminal card I'd want brought back from the dead, it's definitely not Account Siphon

So yes, I would absutely love to play a runner who can consistently get 6 click turns.

What do you need for a 6 click turn?

First, you need Swift which is superior to Doppelgänger in every way and therefore actually playable. Second, you need to activate Nyusha's ability every turn instead of just ones where you have the best hand. Third, minimal set up.

The obvious picks

DooF and Dirty Laundry are staples for run event criminals. Jailbreak can activate your ability 66% of the time. Security Testing, Leech, and Bankroll don't care about which server your mark is, so archives runs are still profitable. And Aumakua is Aumakua.

3 vs 2 copies

Any seasoned Netrunner player will tell you that if you want to see it in your opening hand, you put 3 of them in your deck. So that's:

  • DL
  • Gamble
  • Jailbreak
  • Swift
  • Boomerang
  • Casts
  • Sec testing
  • Turtle
  • Bankroll

The only one on here that might seem non standard is Jailbreak, but I feel like that is going to be an absolute bomb to have as Nyusha. It's already an amazing tempo card for this kind of runner, but being able to get a free click 2/3 times you use it is wild. Deuces is probably another good choice, but the influence is tight and I can only play 2 Leech as it is.

With 2-of cards, they're anything I know I'd want to play at least twice in a game and would be nice to have in an opening but not 100% necessary:

  • Nu siphon
  • Embezzle
  • Overclock
  • Earthrise
  • Sucker 2.0

I haven't played a lot of modern Crim, so I'm not sold on Bravado and Embezzle is card that just made my brain go "that's still legal??" because I feel like I never see it anymore. The name of the game here is denial and disruption, so I'd rather see two cards and not get any money than just get some money and see one card. Overclock is really only for remote plays and it's not as good as Stimhack so not a 3-of.


In order to run at least once every turn, every run needs to be either net neutral or net positive credit wise. I was almost going to go with Abagnale because of the one-off bypass combined with emergency recursion but then I remembered Amina is a denial card so it's definitely the better choice. Your turtle can take care of gearchecks and single sub ICE, while Makler and Bukhgalter make sure you won't go broke against scarier ICE. Sucker counters should also help with making runs cheaper.


As I mentioned earlier, this is a classic denial/disruption deck, not big money deck, one run game deck, nor is it some kind of blue big rig

This is a deck whose sole purpose is to prevent the corp from winning by denying them money and disrupting their game plan.

Apoc: Much easier to pull off when you've got an extra click somewhere in the middle to deal with corp shenanigans. Plus it's a hard counter to the new NBN ID who I suspect will be doing some never advance nonsense.

Divide and Conquer: Early turns where your mark is archives don't have to be 0-access turns.

Levy 2.0: Recursion for your one-offs since SOT is rotato and 5 card is a lot for Crim.

Stargate: Best R&D disruption in the game right now. The no shuffle is still a big deal for this kind of deck.

Leech: No good reason not to play it.

Again, it would be nice if this deck had Deuces, but the only card I really want to cut is Harmony AR but that would mean I can only play Apoc and D&C once per game. With PE coming back, access to recursion is going to be super important.

Cards I couldn't fit

Legwork, Deep Dive, and Khusyuk are all great run events, but not really what I'm looking for. I could potentially swap Stargate for Conduit, but I'd have to cut the 2nd Leech.

The deck could probably use some more draw; Blueberry!™ Diesel is one option, but I'd prefer a 3rd Earthrise or another clickless option that works like John Masanori. Also wanted to fit in Mystic Maemi but not enough influence.

Potential problems

The big one is that this is 48 cards instead of 45, but I'll probably figure out what to cut once I actually play it/find time to play it.

The second concern is MU, but the only good option right now (as of this write up lol) is T400 Memory Diamond because it's cheap and neutral. Hopefully Swift's +1 will be enough. I don't think I'll be installing Stargate every game and there are some games where Turtle + Suckers is all you need to win.

The third would be meat/net damage protection, but those threats haven't stopped me from running every turn before. I'd rather not pre-emptively decide on silver bullets.


I'm still kinda sad to see my boy leaving Standard, but I haven't been excited about a criminal ID since I saw that big ole number 17 on Ken Tenma.

Is this a T1 deck? Probably not in its current state, but I'm sure some of the more degenerate players in the NYC meta and beyond will figure out how to properly exploit this ID's tempo boost into something with a ridiculously named deck.

I just love deckbuilding a lot.

15 Jul 2022 Council


I used to play something like this out of Liza, though she had that incredible double draw.

15 Jul 2022 Shishu

@DonLoverGateYeah, I'm hoping there are some new clickless draw cards in Borealis. DreamNet is an option, but not being able to activate the secondary ability makes it way less good than a third Earthrise.

15 Jul 2022 Council

DreamNet is probably not a bad idea at all, otherwise another Class Act and some Event action (Diesel-Deuces) should also go some way.

Here's my old list if you would like a bit of inspiration :) Oddly enough also Slavic in flavor

18 Jul 2022 boreira

Exploit could be fun card here with win more effect