[Standard] Ampèr-ation Tag Frenzy

Tyranda 27

i've been playing a lot of NBN since the release of The Automata Initiative, and i realized that we got so many non-NBN cards that deal with tags, i thought it would be fun to try and get them to work together :)

Original Agenda Suite : all the "Limit 1 per deck" 3/2s, and all the Projects

Other agendas Haas-Bioroid : Ikawah Project.

Other agendas Jinteki : Fujii Asset Retrieval, Hybrid Release.

Other agendas NBN : Bellona , Fly on the Wall, Freedom of Information, Oracle Thinktank, Post-Truth Dividend.

Other agendas Weyland : Armed Intimidation, Meteor Mining, Slash and Burn Agriculture.

Considered ICE : Hydra , Vasilisa ,

Removed Assets : Nightmare Archive, Wage Workers,

Removed Operations : Threat Level Alpha, Biotic Labor


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