The Bug Zapper

esutter479 322

I've been waiting for this ID for over a year now. It's finally here! I finally get to zap selectively! If they run, they pay. If they don't run...obviously, I score. This concept is new, raw and possibly weak at the moment. I'm going to test it (along with my PPVP Sil) at a local store tourney later on.

My goal here is to score at least one House of Knives early. They can have all my Babies. Even if they only take one, I'm still good to score out a Philotic for more gradual rig destruction. Melange is easy bait for Data Mining. Shocks can be pulled from anywhere. Grids and EMPs, just cuz! :)

I like Architect here cuz I can plunk stuff down and bait the runner with it. Crick serves the same general purpose. There's a decent helping of ETR ICE here as well for some rush if you can hold up their rig for a while. Buy time, make money...and kill them insects! Oh, and leave feedback as well, please. :)

8 Sep 2015 esutter479

Almost forgot...considering putting Inazuma in place of Chum, but we'll see how it plays out.

8 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Architect is great but the most threatening Chronos Protocol decks I've seen run at least one Reclamation Order to recur Neural EMPs. NEMP is such a cornerstone card for CP, this combo seems really powerful. Jinteki has Allele Repression in-faction, but it's not as good in this particular build.

I like the Melange -> Data Mine combo, that's just mean-spirited. It seems like a pretty reliable way to get your single net on both players' turns.

If you find you don't need the money from Melange and want your s back, Genetics Pavilion might be great in its place. It's just oppressive when the runner is losing at least one card every other turn, if not more.

8 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Oh, also, Chum seems better for sticking the odd net damage than Inazuma in this deck; you aren't running any of Jinteki's usual hand-shredding ICE (Komainu/Tsurugi/etc). In this deck I think Chum into whatever fits with your econ better.

8 Sep 2015 esutter479 do you think maybe -1 Architect for +1 Reclamation Order? Or go 2 for 2 on that one? I still believe at least 1 Architect would do me good, but it probably isn't an auto-include or anything. I HOPE I don't need Melange money, as wierd as that sounds...but I threw it in as bait and burst if they don't immediately target it. I'm thinking that possibly Subliminal Messaging could work in here, too, perhaps.

I like the Genetics Pavilion idea a lot, so if Melange turns out to be dead, I could try that route instead. :) Thank you, btw, for your feedback here as well as with my Sil deck!

8 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'd say -1 Architect for +1 Reclamation Order, yeah. You don't want to see RO until a ways into the match, and you may not always need it.

You are welcome for the feedback. I typically only comment on decks I find interesting, so thanks for the post!

8 Sep 2015 PeterCapObvious

Ever considered Wall of Thorns? It's a 5 strength barrier, that does 2 net damage, so you would get to fire the ID's ability, AND end the fun... I mean run.

9 Sep 2015 esutter479

@PeterCapObvious - The thought crossed my mind. What wiped that thought away though, I think, was knowing all the D4v1ds that I see in my meta. Planned right, Ashigaru is a HARD tax on Corroder, and no one around me plays Morning Star. Atman would also cause this deck headaches I suppose. It's a work in progress though, and the more constructive feedback (such as yours and FarCry's) I get, the better I can make this concept! :) Much appreciated, sir.

9 Sep 2015 esutter479

Forgot to 3 games tonight, this deck made a pretty good amount of money, mainly due to runners simply not running for a while. Giraffes are HUGE here. The only thing that screwed this deck royally, was Film Critic. I guess I'm gonna have to tech around that now, too...ugh.

@FarCryFromHuman - Definitely gonna be going -1 Architect for +1 Reclamation Order. I saw our purple ICE friend far too often tonight, be it from Jackson draw, or just bad clumping. Need more EMP and or Shocks! It could work on Data Mine as well, I suppose, though that's not ideal. You were also right on the money about Genetics Pavilion, too...holy hell. My first two opponents were running >= 7 hand size, lol. There wasn't much I could do aside from getting a timed win. :(

Still wondering if there's a way to fit in like 2 or 3 Subliminal Messaging as well. I know I'm gonna have to do something with my ICE suite, too, sadly. Stealth rigs walk through this crap. I know Power Shutdown is a thing, but will I have the room? I dunno.

House did a lot of work for me, and if I can just score one early on, I can make Criminals cry.

9 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Glad to hear the deck performed well! Genetics Pavilion is obviously meant for Psychic Field/Komainu + Ronin combos, but I can see it doing work here. At the very least it's a must-trash asset that creates a big credit shift, and turns most draw cards into dead cards in an already over-taxed hand.

I really don't want to mess with your agenda suite much, but if you find the runner jacks out a lot (which I foresee), Ancestral Imager would definitely help you do what you are already trying to do here. Maybe 2x HoK 1x AI?

BRB putting together a Titan Pavilion build.

9 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

And here's that deck: This Deck Dies to Film Critic

9 Sep 2015 esutter479

To be honest, at least last night, not one single runner jacked out of any run. Film Critic, aka our friggin' bane, was a big reason why...but also, they just weren't A) sure of what to expect and B) probably not too afraid once they realized I was just flicking their ears, so to speak...not going for the actual kill.

If there's one thing I'd slot in for 1 House, it'd be Chronos Project...for sure. Recursion, just as much as F.C., kills this deck. Clone Chipping into an SMC into the breaker they need when they have enough money...hurts. :(

10 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Ok yeah, the Chronos Project call seems spot on. I'm used to runners jacking out of my Jinteki decks a lot, especially when I run Chum, so I was really excited when Ancestral Imager was printed. That said, you are absolutely right about recursion blocking. I've seen a few CP decks running Blacklist as well, and that makes a lot of sense. I wonder if dropping a Jackson for a Blacklist is worth the experiment?

10 Sep 2015 esutter479

That is an excellent query. -1 Jackson for +1 Blacklist. I almost cannot ever see myself going below 3 Jacksons in any sort of Corp deck...especially one such as this. It seems that hiding Agendas as well as at least 1 Shock in the trash pile is a decent deterrent for the runner, especially if they suspect a Crick in place.

I'm going to keep a real close eye on recursion patterns, however, in the next few weeks of testing. If my "Spidey senses" start to tingle, then I shall have no choice but to try out your proposal. :) (Love this discussion, btw.)

10 Sep 2015 D4KEN

idk if Data Mine is a good choice in times where Atman and Faust are very popular. I like the idea behind the combo but think this works only early game. im thinking a while building a Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping deck, but haven't found a good soultion. i want to try something with Marcus Batty and net dmg subroutines (Archer, Ichi 1.0, Rototurret or Wormhole e.g.)

10 Sep 2015 D4KEN

ups, sry false ice examples ;) they where for program destruction idea ^^. Pup, Yagura, Swordsman could be good combo pieces with #Marcus Batty for the net dmg purpose but they die to fast against Parasite, and Anarchs are very popular these days ;(

10 Sep 2015 slobad31

I like it! Have you tested much against Faust decks or other AI-dependent builds? While Swordsman is a more than adequate answer, an early game Faust seems troubling. Taking inspiration from your excellent work, I've adapted it to include some program destruction, as well, since I'm wary of what we might be unable to snipe from the runner's grip. I like Will-o'-the-Wisp, as well, since the breaker you miss may just be able to break your trashers. Now that I look again, though, Ashigaru would be fairly taxing for Faust, too. Maybe I'm worried about nothing :)

11 Sep 2015 esutter479

@D4KEN - IMO, Data Mine serves a fair purpose in here. If the runner is facechecking without a full rig and/or money, they're likely to lose something they would consider a big deal down the road. Atman doesn't really scare me as far as Mines are concerned. Faust, while a big pain in my ass, doesn't really do much against Mines. If they break the routine, the ICE stays out. Either way, they're still losing a card...just of their own choice w/Faust.

Also, you're right in that the ID ability only works in the early game. But that's when it needs to work, and that's why you have to load up on cards that can (and will) hurt the runner early. While I may have to figure out a way to include program destruction (Power Shutdown, Ichi 1.0, Aggressive Secretary, Will-o'-the-Wisp, etc.), I may not have to if my ETR ICE combos with the other stuff to tax just enough to rush out a Future Perfect or Knives.

@slobad31 - Hey man, long time no see! :) Last I remember, we were discussing Argus stuffs. Faust, as stated above, is a huge pain in my ass, lol. Swordsman early on can (and did, last Tuesday) put one in the heap...but the runner played another one later on and stomped me out, since he also played a Mimic.

Will-o'-the-Wisp might be a really nice include, but I'm gonna have to work my brain a bit figuring out what to remove for it, and how many, yadda yadda. I LOVE Ashigaru in here, and wish I could include a second copy...who knows, maybe once I can get a real good, comfortable money flow going! As it is, this deck does actually make a decent amount of credits over the course of a game, but that's mainly due to the runner not running or whatever.

That being said, I have a couple minor tweaks in the works right now, so I plan to post another version in the very near future. Thanks guys for the feedback, and keep it coming! :)

11 Sep 2015 esutter479

@FarCryFromHuman - I wanted to get your opinion on something. If, say, I'm playing an Anarch with the Wyldside/Pancakes draw engine...Genetics Pavilion probably won't do much work I'm thinking. Against Shaper jank, oh hell yah! That's the problem though...there are just as many Shapers as Anarchs in my meta (very few Criminals atm). Can you recommend a card that would tax/annoy the hell outta both Anarch and Shaper?

It's also worth noting that the runners in my meta are capable of generating HUGE sums of money while they set up (and I wait for my agendas to become accessible/scoreable).

11 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I would say maybe Corporate Town if you see that combo a lot? Most asset removal cards don't really fit with your deck, as they require tagging, have narrow applications, or are influence-expensive. Examples are The All-Seeing I, Freelancer, Foxfire and Elizabeth Mills. Wyldside is definitely tough to tech against. I'd probably just not bother installing Genetics Pavilion if you are up against it.

12 Sep 2015 esutter479

Corporate Town might be an interesting include in here. Of course, I'd have to take out the Reclamation Order so it can have a slot. :)

I was doing some brainstorming on the way home from work tonight and some strange thoughts crossed my mind. If Architect is seeming weak, I am considering subbing that out for Sherlock 1.0, as well as Will-o'-the-Wisp in place of 1 of my Hokusai Grids for some mind-f**king. :) I mean, it IS called Chronos Protocol...and what better way to add in a little time (and money) taxation than those 2 cards right there? And Wisp messes with Shapers a bit, so there's that. An early Sherlock can and WILL mess with Mimic as well as provide a semi-steep Faust tax.

I was also thinking about putting in Cortex Lock to replace Chum if that ICE proves weak at all...either that or Lockdown, muahaha! Genetics Pavilion AND that one working against the runner early-mid game? Yah...evil, IMO. :) Oh the things that pop into my brain late at night...

12 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'd definitely consider Will-o'-the-Wisp over Sherlock 1.0 because, well, Sherlock is awful. If you can make him work you win one netrunner. If you want to tax clicks a little more, Hourglass is always an option and super uncommon.

Cortex Lock would definitely be good in a deck with more destroyers. It just doesn't maintain its relevance in the late game and I don't think you can afford to keep ICE that's game phase dependent. Lockdown would be ok since it's 0 to rez and 5 strength... that's taxing by anyone's standards and works towards what you are trying to accomplish. Of course, it's much better with hand-shredding cards like Komainu and Psychic Field, but I could see it working.

ICE selection is always tricky. Unfortunately I think the only answer is testing.

12 Sep 2015 esutter479

Yep...testing is and always will be the only answer. I'll probably end up keeping the Chums in, and seeing what fits around them. Ichi 1.0 might be ok. I'm really considering putting a Tollbooth in place of that Fire Wall, though. D4v1d bait needs something else besides a subroutine to really be a deterrent, and unless Hunting Grounds becomes a thing outside of Apex, I think good 'ol TB will do just fine here.

13 Sep 2015 esutter479

Ok, for right now, my agendas look solid...assets and upgrades look ok...and operations look excellent. My only question mark now (not surprisingly), is the ICE. My solid includes thus far are: 1 Crick, 3 Data Mines, 2 Lotus Fields, 1 Swordsman, 2 Architects, 1 Ichi 1.0 and 1 Tollbooth. I'm currently trying to figure out 5 more ICE that would not only be efficient here, but make an impact as well...deterring the runner and such. If anyone is able to help, I'd be mucho grateful! :)

13 Sep 2015 esutter479

Almost forgot...the ICE must be Neutral or Jinteki.

17 Sep 2015 slobad31

It was already mentioned, but Cortex Lock could be a solid include, provided you incorporate program trashing/removal. I'm a big fan of Komainu, since it taxes both Mimic and Faust, if either of them hit the field. There's also Mamba, which is out of Mimic range without modifiers, but it is pricy, especially since you're running Tollbooth, Ichi 1.0, and Lotus Fields. Tsurugi might be more worthwhile for that price, though its low strength won't last against Parasite. There just aren't many other worthwhile options. I mean, there's Yagura, Kitsune (for the Shock!), and even Assassin coming up in the future, but they don't feel as strong for this deck. I would like to see Assassin do some work, but I'm not sure how popular link will be with Sunny and all her toys coming soon.

17 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@slobad31: I agree that Assassin is too heavy for this deck. What a great card though; it's basically the sentry version of Tollbooth, but neutral. Extremely solid ICE that must be dealt with, and will be included in a lot of decks in one of the available "big scary ICE" slots.

Among your suggestions I think only Yagura and Mamba fit in the current iteration of this deck. As you mentioned, Cortex Lock begs for destroyer support and Komainu is both too expensive and too low-strength to include. Yagura can probably replace Quandary but I wouldn't want to run more than one, and Mamba is big so it should probably replace an Architect? I do think it's worthwhile to keep all three Data Mines. I can see those going off consistently, even against AI decks (as you stand a good chance of blasting away their breakers already, and 2 STR 1 is still a decent tax on an AI for 0).

18 Sep 2015 D4KEN

@FarCryFromHuman, @slobad31 Mamba could be a good fit in this deck due to ability synergie of CP, but the second sub relies on psi luck. If you are able getting some counters you could synergize with House of Knives, Hokusai Grid for a sneaky strike. Followed by an Neural EMP next turn.

18 Sep 2015 esutter479

Ok, so...Cortex Lock seems pretty good here...definitely will take that into thought. Komainu is nice, but sadly it can and will be Parasited down. Yagura could act as Parasite bait if I were to include both that and Komainu. Mamba beckons the NRE on Mimic (provided that jank is being used at the time), so those Lotus Fields would be out of Yog range.

So many good options...really gonna have to not only rack my brain weighing them all, but then also find a way to input some Destroyers to make my concept shine.