Off the Grid is a card that you can build a deck around. The most likely candidates being Blue Sun or Cerebral Imaging/ETF.

OTG has one companion card that is a must-include: Crisium Grid which means the first Successful run is wasted and will also stop a solo Eater indefinitely. Interns can and should be used to reinstall trashed Crisium Grids.

A few other cards make a lot of sense in OTG decks. Breaker Bay Grid lets the corp rez OTG for just 1. Eden Fragment lets you stack ICE on HQ super deep. Eliza's Toybox, Oversight AI, Bioroid Efficiency Research and Howler allow you to rez really expensive ICE on HQ. Caprice Nisei and Marcus Batty can both be used to prevent successful runs (in Batty's case trashing a key breaker is usually the most profitable method). Interns is also useful for fishing dead ICE from Archives and installing it for free. Free installation is nothing to laugh at when HQ ICE is 3 or 4 deep.

OTG also has a several problem runner cards that it needs to deal with:

The other big problem for OTG decks is the cost of putting a reasonable amount of defense on R&D.

Now there are lots of great things you can use OTG to defend:

  1. Agendas! Score them and win the game
  2. Political Assets (Bankers for 3/turn, Sensie, Clone Suffrage, Bio-Ethics) My suggestion is to stick to Bankers and/or maybe Clone Sufferage (you can use Clone Sufferage to recur Hedge Fund, Restructure or Oversight AI for big money every turn)
  3. Eliza's Toybox (rez Archer, Curtain Wall, Janus 1.0 or Orion for just )
  4. You only have 3 OTG in deck MAX. Hurry up and score 7 points!

With a deck setup like this Team Sponsorship and Jeeves Model Bioroids start sounding very nice, but the challenge there is keeping them alive long enough to use them.


Salsette Slums is best compared to the other remove-from-game Runner card: Archives Interface.

Both cards can be stacked and cost two influence outside of decks. Interface costs 1 more than Slums to install but is a Hardware instead of a Resource, so it's difficult to trash for the corp. Both cards are silver bullets to Museum Asset spam, but Interface offers a lot more than Slums does. Why?


  • Slums doesn't need a run on Archives to activate. This may save you a if you trashed the card installed inside a server. Furthermore, you don't need to beat the ICE on Archives in order to activate it's effect. This is great news if the corp has piled a pair of Cricks on Archives.
  • Slums stacks with Whizzard, Scrubber and Paricia etc.
  • Slums is 1 cheaper to install.


Econ & Deck Issues

Archives Interface works well with Modded, Personal Workshop or The Supplier. It can also be tutored using inefficient hardware tutors such as Trade-In or Tyson Observatory.

Salsette Slums is a waste of a Career Fair but also works great with The Supplier (free installation). There are no special cards [yet] that tutor for Location sub-type resources. Non-compatibility with trash effects like Imp, Demolition Run or Noise mill means the runner is forced into spending s to remove cards.


I've been running 1x Archives Interface out of Noise for a few months now and it is a stunningly effective card against about 1/3 of the corp decks I encounter. Salsette Slums on the other hand allows the corp to recur ICE and Operations, as well as use Archives Ambushes. Even worse, the cost means it's best played out of Employee Strike Whizzard and turns off the option of Imp for expensive cards like Jeeves Model Bioroids or SanSan City Grid.

One advantage over Archives Interface is that it lets you avoid Hostile Infrastructure damage, which is huge against IG Prison. —
Good point jdharper! Kind of reminds me now about the advantage of Eater on an Archives run too - turn them all face-up without accessing! —

Plan B is basically unplayable without Mushin No Shin because there is not much point in using it to score any Agenda that only requires two advancements. Because of its dependence on Mushin and its lack of flatline potential it is not often used, even in trap based decks.

Plan B has a big advantage over all other advancable ambushes except for Ghost Branch:

  • It costs 0 to activate its ability when the card is accessed. This means runners that think they are safe to run after playing Account Siphon or Vamp can get a rude surprise.

I have personally used Plan B in a variety of decks ranging from shell game, NEH Horizontal Spam and even a Cerebral Imaging Mushin recursion novelty deck. It is fun to play and I've scored a surprising number of two-pointers with them.

However I'm writing this review solely to introduce a truly nasty jank combo:

  1. Runner runs Plan B server and accesses Plan B
  2. Corp scores an Agenda and Activates one or more Team Sponsorships
  3. Corp installs the nastiest Ambushes from Archives or HQ in the Plan B server
  4. Runner continues to access all cards installed in the server
  5. Flatline
  6. Corp Jubiliation + Salty Runner Tears

For this combo any Agenda is fine, so IAA and scoring a Clone Retirement on access will trigger the goodness of Edge of World if you want to use it in a scoring server.


Don't forget : PE does 1 net damage when the corp scores an Agenda (preferably Philotic Entanglement).

On that note if the Corp happens to be broke during access they can still Sponsor a Team of Fetal AIs to do 3 net damage if it will achieve the flatline! Shock! is free to trigger as well.

I'm racking my brain trying to come up with a janky combo to use this with dedication ceremony, hoping that even with this face-up that the other card in the remote is enough of a lure. Well at the least you can dedicate the plan b, "televsing" that you have agendas in your hand, hoping the runner will run HQ and then you bombard him/her with nasty traps and other gribblies. —
Face up it doesn't have nearly as much impact as other Ambushes like Junebug or Overwriter. However if you want to monetise it you could try Expo Grid and multiple Shell Corporations? Unfortunately one costs 3 influence and the other one sucks post Political Operative. There is one jank possible (but not likely) Advance Plan B the appropriate amount, Offer you Can't Refuse > Bullfrog (Marcus Batty to land the sub?) and score Future Perfect or Vanity Project —
plan b (on dedication ceremony) + shell Corp + ronin + a political asset + self-district, all the assets hosted by world plaza, protected by himitsu bako —
Problem: The Runner can access the World Plaza first and trash it, which auto trashes ALL hosted cards without accessing them. —
yes : my comment was for fun. but we Will not let the runner do: we Will self destruct first —
About the team sponsorship, so, with the timing is that you can —
About the team sponsorship, so, with the timing is that you can trash the card being accessed? Do you have window to do that before accesing the other cards? —
Well actually I think Self-Destruct does not work as a Team Sponsorship install, because cards are Accessed in 4,5 and there is no window to Rez the Self-Destruct in 4.5. You can only use cards that work from facedown like Edge of World or Snare! —
Hmmm... Self Destruct only does a max of 3 net damage and then Plan B doesn't work. I don't think this suggestion makes sense. —
No flatline potential? Sure would be a pity if the Agenda scored from hand was House of Knives or Philotic Entanglement... —
Unfortunately, I think the latest FAQ nullifies this combo. The runner only accesses the number of cards in the server at the point of initial access. I don't remember the exact wording but I think it prevents the runner from accessing the trap. —

Upon first read it's easy to get excited and imagine this card says:

,: The Runner loses 5 or an Imp Counter

But in reality it's not so simple to make this card work. The runner must have 5 or a virus counter on Imp when they access Mumbad Virtual Tour. If the runner is too poor or doesn't have a loaded Imp then this is effectively a blank card. What's more, it is quite unlikely the corp will be able to land its effect once the runner knows what it is.

Now it's clear that Cyberdex Virus Suite is superior if the goal is to eliminate virus counters, so that only leaves draining credits from the runner. That's not easy to land either well. Since Virtual Tour only activates when it is installed there's the question of where to put it.

  • HQ: Doesn't stop Account Siphon, likely to be the last card accessed as well.
  • R&D: Doesn't stop multi-access and is likely to the last card accessed as well. Does not even activate in the case of Indexing or Keyhole.
  • Archives: Again it's likely to be the last card accessed, but unless there's a NAPD Contract, Fetal AI or The Future Perfect then the runner won't be spending any credits during their access phase. However there are a number of reasons why this won't get triggered off a successful Archives run too (Sneakdoor Beta, Retrieval Run, Hades Shard, Security Testing or Patron being the most common ones).
  • Naked Remote: The likelihood of getting checked is quite high, unless the corp is playing a ambush shell game. It will only be effective if the runner has 5 at the time of access, or likely the runner will budget so they never fall victim to its effect.
  • Protected Remote: It's likely that the runner has spent a few s just to get into the server. If it doesn't fire the first time the runner will try to have 4 or less left over the next time they access.

How to make Mumbad Virtual Tour work:

Note: It can be used in Gagarin too - just put it on a central server.

Overall Rating: Not enough raw power to justify the deckslots without a good strategy.

The timing depends entirely on the runner and there are ways to play around it by accessing last and/or having 4 or less on hand. CVS is better against Imp and additional econ cards are better in general. The best possible result might be draining multiple Ghost Runners but that's unlikely to happen often.

Could be useful with ice that gifts the runner credits forcing him/her to or above the 5 credit threshold. —
There's a PSI ICE that gifts $2 but I'm assuming you are thinking of Little Engine? I think that's actually a really clever combo, I love it! The only weakness might be certain types of shapers (strong/cheap code gate breakers + mid-run installs) —

Vamadeva has three limitations:

  • It can only break 's on ICE with exactly 1 .
  • It's an AI breaker and hence struggles against the terrible triad
  • It costs 6 to install.

Out of these three limitations the only problem is its installation cost.

By it's very nature it is not going to be a solo breaker like Eater or Faust (which also have problems against the terrible triad). Vamadeva is the final piece that rounds out other breaker suites. I've covered it's uses as part of the Deva suite in my Endless Hunger review but here I want to focus on Vamadeva by itself.

Vamadeva is very strong against Rush decks (except possibly which contains Spiderweb and Hive). Enigma is probably the most common problem Vamadeva may encounter that can't be solved without an appropriate breaker. Bioroid ICE can be dealt with using e3 implants and a .

Vamadeva is the perfect companion to Sunny's cloud suite breakers (GS Striker M1, GS Shrike M2 and GS Sherman M3). All of them are quite efficient to pump against large ICE and are highly efficient against multi ICE. However they have a serious efficiency problem against cheap single ICE. Having to pay 4 to break Wall of Static or 2 for Quandary is rather unpleasant and will quickly deplete a runner's credit pool. Vamadeva has the efficiency of Corroder or Eater and is perfect for handling the cheap stuff.

Combined with Grappling Hook + e3 Feedback Implants (to break multi ICE) it is also a great utility breaker for Geist, getting you through the cheap ETR barriers and code gates and saving your Crowbars, Shivs and Spikes for better targets.

Vamadeva does not break 1 subroutine on a piece of ice: it breaks subroutines on ice with only 1 subroutine. Therefore it doesn't interact with Grappling Hook or e3 Feedback Implants. —
@RubbishyUsername they are complementary, not supplementary. Vamadeva only works on ICE with 1 subtype and the Grappling Hook+e3 Feedback Implants will break ANY multi-sub ICE (once). They don't interact, but between those 3 cards you can beat any ICE in the game. —
Except Turing. But then you can use the Crowbars for that I suppose (or click three times). Wraparound remains annoying without Spike around. —

@Zakalve It breaks ICE with 1 subroutine, not subtype