287 cards

Title Faction Type Subtype Set
A Teia: IP Recovery
Identity Division The Automata Initiative 39
2 Program 1 Icebreaker - Decoder ●● Parhelion 70
4 Program 2 Icebreaker - Decoder ●● System Update 2021 21
Ablative Barrier
2 Ice 1 Barrier ●● The Automata Initiative 34
Above the Law
3 Agenda 2 Security System Gateway 60
Adrian Seis
0 Upgrade 2 Psi - Clone - Sysop ●●●● The Automata Initiative 46
Aesop’s Pawnshop
1 Resource Connection - Location ●● System Update 2021 35
AirbladeX (JSRF Ed.)
1 Hardware Vehicle The Automata Initiative 22
AMAZE Amusements
1 Upgrade 3 ●●● System Gateway 58
Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone
Identity Corp Parhelion 128
Angelique Garza Correa
0 Upgrade 2 Ambush - Enforcer - Expendable ●●● The Automata Initiative 63
Anoetic Void
0 Upgrade 1 ●●●● System Gateway 50
Ansel 1.0
6 Ice 4 Sentry - Bioroid - Destroyer ●●● System Gateway 38
4 Ice 3 Code Gate ●● Parhelion 124
4 Ice 6 Sentry - Destroyer ●● System Update 2021 75
Archived Memories
0 Operation ●● System Update 2021 47
Arissana Rocha Nahu: Street Artist
Identity Natural The Automata Initiative 20
Armed Asset Protection
2 Operation Transaction ●● The Automata Initiative 61
Asmund Pudlat
2 Resource Connection - Seedy ●● Parhelion 82
3 Program 0 Icebreaker - AI ●●● System Update 2021 30
6 Ice 5 Code Gate - AP ●●● The Automata Initiative 42
Audrey v2
3 Program 0 Icebreaker - AI - Virus ●●● The Automata Initiative 4
Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist
Identity Natural System Update 2021 25
1 Asset 3 Bioroid - Enforcer The Automata Initiative 65
Bahia Bands
2 Event Run The Automata Initiative 30
Balanced Coverage
1 Asset 3 Seedy The Automata Initiative 50
5 Ice 4 Sentry - Destroyer ●● System Gateway 62
4 Program 5 Icebreaker - Fracter - Weapon ●●● The Automata Initiative 5
Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ
1 Hardware Cybernetic ●●● Parhelion 86
Beatriz Friere Gonzalez
2 Resource Connection ●●● The Automata Initiative 28
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● The Automata Initiative 51
Biotic Labor
4 Operation ●●●● System Update 2021 48
3 Ice 5 Sentry - AP - Destroyer - Harmonic ●● Parhelion 98
2 Program Virus - Trojan ●●● System Gateway 4
Brân 1.0
6 Ice 6 Barrier - Bioroid ●● System Gateway 39
4 Program 3 Icebreaker - Decoder System Gateway 5
2 Hardware ●● The Automata Initiative 13
Career Fair
0 Event System Update 2021 15
5 Program 2 Icebreaker - Killer ●● System Gateway 15
4 Hardware Console ●●● System Gateway 3
Celebrity Gift
3 Operation Double ●●● System Update 2021 57
2 Program 3 Icebreaker ●●● System Update 2021 31
Chrysopoeian Skimming
1 Event The Automata Initiative 11
0 Asset 3 Hostile ●●● System Gateway 61
3 Program 3 Icebreaker - Fracter ●● System Gateway 6
2 Program Virus ●● System Update 2021 5
0 Event Run ●● Parhelion 75
4 Program Virus ●●●● System Gateway 24
1 Resource Virtual ●●● System Gateway 9
Corporate Town
1 Asset 5 ●● System Update 2021 74
Corporate Troubleshooter
0 Upgrade 2 System Update 2021 49
2 Program 2 Icebreaker - Fracter ●● System Update 2021 6
Creative Commission
1 Event ●● System Gateway 20
Crisium Grid
3 Upgrade 5 Region System Update 2021 79
3 Program 1 Icebreaker - Fracter ●●● The Automata Initiative 15
Cybersand Harvester
2 Asset 4 ●● The Automata Initiative 58
Daily Business Show
2 Asset 4 Cast System Update 2021 63
Daniela Jorge Inácio
2 Upgrade 2 Sysop ●●● The Automata Initiative 47
Debbie "Downtown" Moreira
1 Resource Connection ●● The Automata Initiative 19
0 Event ●● System Update 2021 27
Dirty Laundry
2 Event Run System Update 2021 37
Distributed Tracing
3 Operation Double - Gray Ops ●●●● Parhelion 100
2 Ice 3 Code Gate - AP ●● System Gateway 46
Djupstad Grid
4 Upgrade 4 Region ●●●● Parhelion 102
Docklands Pass
2 Hardware ●● System Gateway 13
Dr. Nuka Vrolyck
1 Resource Connection ●● Parhelion 92
Dr. Vientiane Keeling
3 Asset 4 Academic ●●●● Parhelion 106
DZMZ Optimizer
2 Hardware ●● System Gateway 22
Earthrise Hotel
4 Resource Location - Ritzy System Update 2021 39
3 Program 0 Icebreaker - Killer System Gateway 25
2 Program Trojan ●● System Update 2021 32
Eli 1.0
3 Ice 4 Barrier - Bioroid System Update 2021 43
Emergency Shutdown
0 Event Sabotage ●● System Update 2021 16
En Passant
0 Event Sabotage ●● System Update 2021 3
End of the Line
3 Operation Black Ops ●●●● Parhelion 125
3 Ice 2 Code Gate System Update 2021 81
Epiphany Analytica: Nations Undivided
Identity Division The Automata Initiative 48
Eru Ayase-Pessoa
2 Resource Connection - Clone ●●● The Automata Initiative 7
Federal Fundraising
0 Asset 2 Political - Ritzy ●● The Automata Initiative 52
Femme Fatale
9 Program 2 Icebreaker - Killer System Update 2021 22
1 Program Virus ●● System Gateway 7
2 Event Run ●●● Parhelion 66
Flux Capacitor
0 Program Trojan ●● Parhelion 87
Forged Activation Orders
1 Event Sabotage ●● System Update 2021 17
Freedom of Information
4 Agenda 2 Research Parhelion 112
Front Company
2 Asset 2 Political - Seedy ●● The Automata Initiative 41
Fujii Asset Retrieval
5 Agenda 3 Ambush - Security The Automata Initiative 40
5 Ice 4 Code Gate ●● System Gateway 54
0 Asset 2 Parhelion 114
Gordian Blade
4 Program 2 Icebreaker - Decoder ●●● System Update 2021 33
Government Subsidy
10 Operation Transaction System Gateway 64
Greasing the Palm
3 Operation Transaction ●●● The Automata Initiative 37
Haas-Bioroid: Architects of Tomorrow
Identity Megacorp System Update 2021 40
Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design
Identity Megacorp System Gateway 35
2 Ice 3 Barrier - Code Gate ●● Parhelion 108
Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra
2 Resource Connection ●● The Automata Initiative 8
Hansei Review
5 Operation Transaction System Gateway 48
Hedge Fund
5 Operation Transaction System Gateway 75
2 Hardware Console ●●● The Automata Initiative 14
Hippocampic Mechanocytes
0 Hardware Cybernetic ●● Parhelion 85
Hokusai Grid
2 Upgrade 4 Region ●● System Update 2021 59
4 Ice 4 Code Gate ●● System Update 2021 76
Hostile Architecture
5 Asset 4 Hostile ●●● Parhelion 122
Hostile Takeover
2 Agenda 1 Expansion System Update 2021 71
House of Knives
3 Agenda 1 Security System Update 2021 51
1 Program Trojan Parhelion 71
Hybrid Release
2 Agenda 1 Expansion Parhelion 105
1 Operation Black Ops ●●● Parhelion 101
Ice Carver
3 Resource Virtual ●●● System Update 2021 9
Ice Wall
1 Ice 1 Barrier System Update 2021 77
2 Program Virus ●●● System Update 2021 7
Info Bounty
2 Resource Job ●● Parhelion 83
Inside Job
2 Event Run ●●● System Update 2021 18
Issuaq Adaptics: Sustaining Diversity
Identity Division Parhelion 104
4 Ice 3 Sentry - AP ●● The Automata Initiative 35
0 Event Run System Gateway 28
Jinteki: Personal Evolution
Identity Megacorp System Update 2021 50
Jinteki: Restoring Humanity
Identity Megacorp System Gateway 43
Joy Ride
2 Event Run ●●● The Automata Initiative 21
K2CP Turbine
4 Program ●●●● Parhelion 90
4 Ice 3 Sentry - AP ●● System Gateway 47
Katorga Breakout
2 Event Run ●●● Parhelion 67
Ken “Express” Tenma: Disappeared Clone
Identity Clone System Update 2021 13
Kimberlite Field
4 Agenda 2 Expansion Parhelion 121
3 Ice 3 Barrier ●●● Parhelion 116
Lago Paranoá Shelter
2 Resource Connection - Location ●● The Automata Initiative 9
Laser Pointer
2 Program Weapon ●●● The Automata Initiative 16
1 Program Virus System Gateway 8
2 Event Run ●● System Update 2021 19
Liberated Account
6 Resource ●● System Update 2021 10
License Acquisition
3 Agenda 1 Expansion System Update 2021 61
4 Hardware Console ●●● The Automata Initiative 23
Living Mural
3 Program 1 Icebreaker - Killer - Trojan ●● The Automata Initiative 24
Longevity Serum
3 Agenda 2 Research System Gateway 44
Lotus Field
5 Ice 4 Code Gate System Update 2021 55
Luminal Transubstantiation
3 Agenda 2 Research System Gateway 36
6 Ice 4 Code Gate ●● The Automata Initiative 36
3 Ice 3 Code Gate System Update 2021 44
Malapert Data Vault
1 Upgrade 4 ●●● System Gateway 66
Manegarm Skunkworks
2 Upgrade 3 ●●● System Gateway 42
Marilyn Campaign
2 Asset 3 Advertisement System Update 2021 42
0 Program 1 Icebreaker - Fracter System Gateway 16
3 Program 2 Icebreaker - AI Parhelion 94
1 Program 1 Icebreaker - AI System Gateway 32
Mercury: Chrome Libertador
Identity Bioroid The Automata Initiative 10
3 Program 3 Icebreaker - Killer System Update 2021 8
2 Operation Gray Ops ●● The Automata Initiative 45
2 Program Trojan ●● The Automata Initiative 6
Mr. Hendrik
0 Upgrade 2 Ambush - Sysop ●●● Parhelion 103
Mutual Favor
0 Event ●●● System Gateway 11
Nanisivik Grid
2 Upgrade 3 Region ●● Parhelion 111
4 Program 3 Icebreaker - AI ●●●●●  Parhelion 88
NBN: Reality Plus
Identity Megacorp System Gateway 51
Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center
Identity Division System Update 2021 60
0 Event System Update 2021 20
3 Operation Gray Ops ●●● System Gateway 49
2 Program ●● Parhelion 72
Nico Campaign
2 Asset 2 Advertisement ●● System Gateway 37
Nightmare Archive
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●●●● Parhelion 97
Nisei MK II
4 Agenda 2 Initiative System Update 2021 52
Nonequivalent Exchange
2 Operation Transaction ●● Parhelion 118
Nova Initiumia: Catalyst & Impetus
Identity Digital - Natural Parhelion 93
4 Program 8 Icebreaker - Killer ●●● Parhelion 73
Oaktown Renovation
4 Agenda 2 Public - Initiative System Update 2021 72
Offworld Office
4 Agenda 2 Expansion System Gateway 67
Ontological Dependence
4 Agenda 2 Research Parhelion 96
Oppo Research
2 Operation Terminal - Gray Ops ●● The Automata Initiative 55
Oracle Thinktank
3 Agenda 1 Research The Automata Initiative 49
Orbital Superiority
4 Agenda 2 Security System Gateway 68
10 Program 3 Icebreaker - Killer ●● Parhelion 89
1 Event Run System Gateway 29
PAD Campaign
2 Asset 4 Advertisement System Update 2021 80
3 Ice 2 Barrier System Gateway 72
2 Hardware Console ●●● System Gateway 23
0 Program System Update 2021 34
3 Hardware Console ●●● System Gateway 14
7 Ice 5 Barrier ●●● System Gateway 63
4 Ice 2 Sentry - AP - Observer ●● The Automata Initiative 43
1 Program Trojan ●● The Automata Initiative 25
2 Ice 1 Barrier ●● System Gateway 55
1 Operation 3 Double ●● The Automata Initiative 62
Poison Vial
2 Hardware Weapon ●● Parhelion 77
Pop-up Window
0 Ice 0 Code Gate - Advertisement System Update 2021 65
Post-Truth Dividend
2 Agenda 1 Initiative Parhelion 113
Predictive Planogram
0 Operation Transaction System Gateway 56
Prepaid VoicePAD
2 Hardware Gear System Update 2021 38
Professional Contacts
5 Resource Connection ●● System Update 2021 36
Project Atlas
3 Agenda 2 Research System Update 2021 73
Project Beale
3 Agenda 2 Research System Update 2021 62
Project Vitruvius
3 Agenda 2 Research System Update 2021 41
X Operation ●●● System Update 2021 68
Public Trail
4 Operation Gray Ops ●● System Gateway 57
3 Ice 1 Code Gate - Harmonic ●● Parhelion 99
Punitive Counterstrike
3 Operation Black Ops ●● System Update 2021 78
Quetzal: Free Spirit
Identity G-mod System Update 2021 1
Raindrops Cut Stone
1 Event Run ●●● Parhelion 68
Ravana 1.0
3 Ice 5 Code Gate - Bioroid System Update 2021 45
Reaper Function
3 Asset 2 Hostile ●● Parhelion 107
Red Team
5 Resource Job ●● System Gateway 18
Regolith Mining License
2 Asset 3 System Gateway 71

287 cards