Personal Runner Cube

The Masque Cyber General

435 influence spent (max ∞, available ∞)
250 cards (min 30)
Cards up to Chrome City
Agenda ()
Asset ()
Event (68)
1x Account Siphon ●●●●
1x Amped Up ●●●
1x Code Siphon ●●●●
1x Cyber Threat ●●●
2x Day Job ●●
1x Déjà Vu ●●
3x Diesel ●●●●● ●
2x Easy Mark ●●
1x Escher ●●●●●
2x Eureka! ●●
1x Forked ●●●
1x Hostage ●●
2x I've Had Worse ●●●●
1x Inject ●●
1x Inside Job ●●●
1x Knifed ●●●
3x Lawyer Up ●●●
1x Modded ●●
1x Notoriety
2x Quality Time ●●
3x Queen's Gambit ●●●●● ●●●●
1x Recon ●●
1x Running Interference ●●●●
2x Scavenge ●●●●
1x Showing Off ●●●
1x Singularity ●●●
2x Social Engineering ●●●●
3x Special Order ●●●●● ●
1x Spooned ●●●
3x Stimhack ●●●
1x Surge
3x Test Run ●●●●● ●●●●
2x The Maker’s Eye ●●●●
1x Tinkering ●●●●
1x Trade-In ●●
1x Vamp ●●
1x Wanton Destruction ●●●●
Hardware (39)
1x Astrolabe ●●
1x Box-E
2x Clone Chip ●●●●
1x Deep Red
1x Desperado ●●●
1x Dinosaurus ●●
1x Doppelgänger ●●
2x Dyson Fractal Generator ●●●●● ●
1x Ekomind ●●●
1x Grimoire ●●
1x HQ Interface ●●
2x Lockpick ●●●●● ●
1x MemStrips ●●
1x Monolith ●●●
1x Net-Ready Eyes ●●
2x Silencer ●●●●● ●
1x Skulljack ●●
1x Spinal Modem ●●
1x The Toolbox ●●
1x Turntable ●●
1x Vigil ●●
Operation ()
Resource (68)
1x All-nighter ●●
2x Bank Job ●●●●
1x Crash Space ●●
1x Data Dealer ●●
1x Decoy ●●
1x Duggar's ●●●●
1x Fester
1x Hard at Work ●●
1x Human First ●●
1x Ice Carver ●●●
1x Joshua B. ●●●
2x Liberated Account ●●●●
1x Motivation
1x Personal Workshop ●●●●
3x Professional Contacts ●●●●● ●
1x Scrubber
2x Stim Dealer ●●●●● ●
1x The Helpful AI ●●
2x The Supplier ●●●●
1x Woman in the Red Dress ●●●●
1x Wyldside ●●●
1x Xanadu ●●
3x Zona Sul Shipping ●●●
Upgrade ()
Barrier ()
Code Gate ()
Icebreaker (37)
1x Atman ●●●
1x Battering Ram ●●
1x BlacKat ●●●
1x Cerberus "Cuj.0" H3 ●●●
1x Cerberus "Lady" H1 ●●●
1x Cerberus "Rex" H2 ●●●
2x Corroder ●●●●
2x Creeper ●●
1x Crowbar ●●
2x Cyber-Cypher ●●●●● ●
1x Dagger ●●
1x Deus X
1x Eater ●●●
1x Garrote ●●●
2x Gordian Blade ●●●●● ●
2x Inti ●●
1x Knight ●●
1x Leviathan ●●
1x Mimic
1x Morning Star ●●●●
2x Ninja ●●●●
1x Peacock ●●
1x Refractor ●●
1x Sage ●●●
1x Snowball ●●
1x Switchblade ●●
1x Torch ●●●●
1x Yog.0
Multi ()
Other ()
Program (38)
1x Bishop ●●
1x Chakana ●●
3x Cloak ●●●●● ●
1x Crescentus
1x D4v1d ●●●●
2x Datasucker ●●
1x Disrupter
2x Djinn ●●●●
1x Gravedigger ●●
1x Imp ●●●
1x Keyhole ●●●
2x Lamprey ●●●●
1x Leprechaun ●●
2x Magnum Opus ●●●●
1x Medium ●●●
1x Nerve Agent ●●
2x Origami ●●●●
1x Paintbrush ●●●●
1x Parasite ●●
1x Paricia
2x Rook ●●●●
1x Savoir-faire ●●●
3x Self-modifying Code ●●●●● ●●●●
1x Sneakdoor Beta ●●●
Sentry ()
Legality (show more)
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
Pre-rotation decklist
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet
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Nevofix 171

This Runner Cube was made for my specific card pool and has to be published here to use with (which is a great site to draft btw).

My card pool contains all cards up to O&C, except Future Proof, Fear & Loathing and Honor & Profit. I also have Chrome City.


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