Title Faction Type Subtype Set
"Clones are not People"
3 Operation Current ●●● Democracy and Dogma 52
15 Minutes
2 Agenda 1 Data and Destiny 4
24/7 News Cycle
0 Operation ●●● Data and Destiny 19
A Teia: IP Recovery
Identity Division The Automata Initiative 39
Ablative Barrier
2 Ice 1 Barrier ●● The Automata Initiative 34
Above the Law
3 Agenda 2 Security System Gateway 60
Accelerated Beta Test
3 Agenda 2 Research Core Set 55
Accelerated Diagnostics
1 Operation Mala Tempora 52
Acme Consulting: The Truth You Need
Identity Subsidiary Reign and Reverie 42
Active Policing
0 Operation Terminal - Gray Ops ●●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 102
Ad Blitz
X Operation Double Data and Destiny 20
Adonis Campaign
4 Asset 3 Advertisement ●● System Core 2019 70
Adrian Seis
0 Upgrade 2 Psi - Clone - Sysop ●●●● The Automata Initiative 46
Advanced Assembly Lines
1 Asset 1 Facility ●● Business First 27
Advanced Concept Hopper
4 Agenda 2 Research Kala Ghoda 11
3 Ice 1 Code Gate ●● Downfall 58
Aggressive Negotiation
1 Operation Core Set 97
Aggressive Secretary
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● System Core 2019 71
AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World
Identity Division Earth's Scion 52
1 Ice 3 Code Gate - Psi - AP ●● Blood Money 32
0 Ice 1 Trap ●● Down the White Nile 32
3 Ice 2 Barrier ●● Uprising 123
Akitaro Watanabe
1 Upgrade 3 Sysop - Unorthodox ●● Core Set 79
Alexa Belsky
1 Asset 5 Character ●● Escalation 55
Alix T4LB07
1 Asset 2 Bioroid Creation and Control 8
Allele Repression
2 Asset 2 ●●● The Underway 73
Amani Senai
2 Asset 4 Character ●●●● The Devil and the Dragon 76
AMAZE Amusements
1 Upgrade 3 ●●● System Gateway 58
Amazon Industrial Zone
4 Upgrade 2 Region Trace Amount 38
Ampère: Cybernetics For Anyone
Identity Corp Parhelion 128
An Offer You Can't Refuse
4 Operation ●●● Old Hollywood 91
8 Ice 5 Sentry - AP ●●●● Council of the Crest 51
Ancestral Imager
3 Agenda 1 Security The Universe of Tomorrow 112
3 Ice 2 Sentry - AP ●● Midnight Sun 43
Angelique Garza Correa
0 Upgrade 2 Ambush - Enforcer - Expendable ●●● The Automata Initiative 63
Anoetic Void
0 Upgrade 1 ●●●● System Gateway 50
Anonymous Tip
0 Operation Revised Core Set 102
Ansel 1.0
6 Ice 4 Sentry - Bioroid - Destroyer ●●● System Gateway 38
Anson Rose
1 Asset 4 Executive Martial Law 96
4 Ice 3 Code Gate ●● Parhelion 124
API-S Keeper Isobel
2 Asset 4 Character ●● Reign and Reverie 36
AR-Enhanced Security
3 Agenda 1 Security Crimson Dust 115
4 Ice 6 Code Gate - Tracer - Ambush ●●●● Data and Destiny 13
4 Ice 6 Sentry - Destroyer ●● System Update 2021 75
4 Ice 3 Sentry ●● Up and Over 61
Architect Deployment Test
4 Agenda 2 Research Downfall 32
Archived Memories
0 Operation ●● System Update 2021 47
Arella Salvatore
2 Upgrade 5 Sysop ●●● Reign and Reverie 49
Argus Crackdown
0 Operation 4 Lockdown - Gray Ops ●●● Uprising 126
Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed
Identity Corp Order and Chaos 1
Ark Lockdown
1 Operation ●● Escalation 50
Armed Asset Protection
2 Operation Transaction ●● The Automata Initiative 61
Armed Intimidation
4 Agenda 2 Security Council of the Crest 57
Armored Servers
4 Agenda 2 Security Terminal Directive Cards 42
Artificial Cryptocrash
4 Agenda 2 Initiative Midnight Sun 49
Aryabhata Tech
2 Asset 3 Ritzy ●● Salsette Island 70
Asa Group: Security Through Vigilance
Identity Division Sovereign Sight 9
Ash 2X3ZB9CY
2 Upgrade 3 Bioroid ●● System Core 2019 82
9 Ice 4 Barrier ●●● Up and Over 64
7 Ice 5 Sentry - Destroyer - AP - Tracer Data and Destiny 28
Asteroid Belt
9 Ice 6 Barrier ●● Order and Chaos 12
AstroScript Pilot Program
3 Agenda 2 Initiative Core Set 81
6 Ice 5 Code Gate - AP ●●● The Automata Initiative 42
Attitude Adjustment
2 Operation ●● Reign and Reverie 48
0 Operation ●●●● Earth's Scion 58
2 Ice 4 Code Gate Earth's Scion 55
Awakening Center
2 Upgrade 3 Creation and Control 21
Award Bait
3 Agenda 1 Sensie Old Hollywood 93
Azef Protocol
3 Agenda 2 Security Midnight Sun 58
Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future
Identity Division Council of the Crest 54
1 Asset 3 Bioroid - Enforcer The Automata Initiative 65
Back Channels
0 Operation Transaction Old Hollywood 99
Backroom Machinations
2 Operation Gray Ops ●● Midnight Sun 55
Bacterial Programming
5 Agenda 3 Research Down the White Nile 33
Bad Times
4 Operation Gray Ops Upstalk 12
2 Ice 0 Barrier ●● Democracy and Dogma 56
Balanced Coverage
1 Asset 3 Seedy The Automata Initiative 50
5 Ice 4 Sentry - Destroyer ●● System Gateway 62
Bamboo Dome
1 Upgrade 2 Region ●●● Earth's Scion 53
0 Ice 5 Code Gate The Valley 16
Bass CH1R180G4
3 Asset 4 Bioroid ●●● Uprising 98
4 Ice 4 Barrier Creation and Control 26
3 Ice 1 Sentry - AP ●●● Midnight Sun 44
3 Ice 2 Barrier ●●●● Earth's Scion 57
Beanstalk Royalties
0 Operation Transaction System Core 2019 136
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● The Automata Initiative 51
5 Agenda 3 Expansion Uprising 114
Ben Musashi
1 Upgrade 3 Clone ●● Earth's Scion 54
Bernice Mai
0 Upgrade 3 Sysop ●● Revised Core Set 107
Best Defense
2 Operation Gray Ops Intervention 79
Better Citizen Program
4 Agenda 2 Initiative Kampala Ascendent 116
Biased Reporting
2 Operation ●●● Free Mars 96
Bifrost Array
3 Agenda 1 Initiative All That Remains 81
Big Brother
0 Operation Gray Ops Trace Amount 35
Big Deal
17 Operation 3 Terminal ●●●●●  Midnight Sun 38
Bio Vault
0 Upgrade 2 Off-site ●● The Devil and the Dragon 72
Bio-Ethics Association
1 Asset 2 Political ●● Democracy and Dogma 50
Bioroid Efficiency Research
3 Operation Condition ●● Creation and Control 13
Bioroid Work Crew
2 Asset 4 Bioroid ●●●● Earth's Scion 51
Biotic Labor
4 Operation ●●●● System Update 2021 48
Black Level Clearance
4 Upgrade 1 Security Protocol ●●●●●  Terminal Directive Cards 39
0 Asset 3 Breaker Bay 36
1 Asset 3 Hostile ●● Midnight Sun 41
7 Ice 4 Barrier ●●●● Reign and Reverie 53
Blood in the Water
X Agenda 2 Research Midnight Sun 39
3 Ice 4 Sentry - Destroyer ●● Terminal Directive Cards 47
2 Ice 3 Code Gate - Observer ●● Station One 32
3 Ice 5 Sentry - AP - Destroyer - Harmonic ●● Parhelion 98
Blue Level Clearance
2 Operation Double - Transaction ●● System Core 2019 81
Blue Sun: Powering the Future
Identity Corp System Core 2019 123
4 Operation 1 Double - Black Ops ●●● Escalation 58
Border Control
4 Ice 1 Barrier ●●● Magnum Opus Reprint 5
6 Ice 4 Barrier - AP ●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 109
Brain Rewiring
3 Agenda 1 Security Terminal Directive Cards 29
Brain-Taping Warehouse
1 Asset 4 Facility The Valley 10
9 Ice 2 Sentry - AP ●●●● The Liberated Mind 86
3 Agenda 2 Research Revised Core Set 78
Brân 1.0
6 Ice 6 Barrier - Bioroid ●● System Gateway 39
Brasília Government Grid
0 Upgrade 3 Region ●●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 104
Breached Dome
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● Crimson Dust 113
Breaker Bay Grid
0 Upgrade 2 Region Breaker Bay 40
Breaking News
2 Agenda 1 Core Set 82
Bring Them Home
0 Operation Terminal - Black Ops ●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 112
Broad Daylight
4 Agenda 2 Security Reign and Reverie 51
Broadcast Square
2 Asset 5 Facility ●●● Double Time 112
Bryan Stinson
2 Upgrade 5 Character ●●● Quorum 117
2 Ice 4 Code Gate Order and Chaos 16
Building Blocks
5 Operation ●●●● Reign and Reverie 55
3 Ice 4 Code Gate - Deflector - Psi ●● A Study in Static 73
10 Ice 8 Barrier - Illicit ●●● Intervention 78
Burke Bugs
0 Ice 0 Sentry - Destroyer Future Proof 119
Business As Usual
0 Operation Gray Ops Rebellion Without Rehearsal 128
C.I. Fund
0 Asset 2 Blood Money 36
3 Ice 3 Sentry - Tracer ●● System Core 2019 131
Calibration Testing
3 Upgrade 2 Off-site ●●● Sovereign Sight 17
Calvin B4L3Y
0 Asset 3 Bioroid Downfall 33
4 Ice 3 Barrier Rebellion Without Rehearsal 116
Capital Investors
2 Asset 2 ●● The Valley 18
Caprice Nisei
2 Upgrade 1 Clone - Psi ●●●● Double Time 114
Casting Call
0 Operation Condition ●● Old Hollywood 96
Cayambe Grid
3 Upgrade 3 Region ●●● Uprising Booster Pack 7
Celebrity Gift
3 Operation Double ●●● System Update 2021 57
Cell Portal
5 Ice 7 Code Gate - Deflector ●● Core Set 74
Cerebral Cast
1 Operation Gray Ops - Psi ●●● Honor and Profit 13
Cerebral Imaging: Infinite Frontiers
Identity Division Creation and Control 1
Cerebral Overwriter
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● Uprising 99
Cerebral Static
2 Operation Current ●● The Spaces Between 25
CFC Excavation Contract
4 Agenda 2 Crimson Dust 110
Chairman Hiro
2 Asset 6 Executive ●●●●●  Honor and Profit 8
5 Ice 4 Barrier - Morph ●● Up and Over 69
Character Assassination
4 Agenda 2 Security Opening Moves 14
Charlotte Caçador
0 Asset 2 Clone ●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 107
4 Ice 7 Code Gate - Tracer - Illicit ●● Order and Chaos 17
Chekist Scion
0 Asset 0 Ambush ●● Midnight Sun 50
4 Ice 3 Sentry - AP - Psi ●● The Liberated Mind 89
Chief Slee
2 Asset 3 Character ●●● Intervention 77
ChiLo City Grid
3 Upgrade 6 Region ●● Trace Amount 36
2 Ice 0 Mythic Cyber Exodus 60
12 Ice 8 Barrier - AP ●● Quorum 112
Chronos Project
3 Agenda 1 Research First Contact 49
Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping
Identity Division The Universe of Tomorrow 111
3 Ice 2 Sentry - AP ●● 23 Seconds 13
1 Ice 4 Code Gate Core Set 75
City Surveillance
5 Asset 3 ●●●● Mala Tempora 55
City Works Project
5 Agenda 3 Public The Devil and the Dragon 78
Clairvoyant Monitor
4 Ice 3 Code Gate - Psi ●● Chrome City 55
0 Asset 3 Hostile ●●● System Gateway 61
Clone Retirement
2 Agenda 1 Initiative Second Thoughts 32
Clone Suffrage Movement
1 Asset 2 Political ●● Democracy and Dogma 49
Closed Accounts
1 Operation Gray Ops System Core 2019 117
Cloud Eater
10 Ice 6 Sentry - AP - Destroyer - Observer ●●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 110
Clyde Van Rite
2 Asset 3 Executive ●● Station One 37
4 Ice 1 Sentry - Destroyer - AP Salsette Island 74
Code Replicator
2 Upgrade 2 ●● Council of the Crest 52
Cohort Guidance Program
1 Asset 2 Clone ●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 108
Cold Site Server
0 Upgrade 3 Facility ●●● Downfall 38
6 Ice 4 Sentry - Destroyer ●● Uprising 124
Commercial Bankers Group
1 Asset 2 Political ●● Democracy and Dogma 54
0 Operation Transaction Cyber Exodus 58
Complete Image
4 Operation 2 Terminal - Gray Ops ●●●● Downfall 45
1 Ice 3 Code Gate - Advertisement ●● Downfall 50
Constellation Protocol
0 Asset 4 ●● Order and Chaos 8
Consulting Visit
2 Operation Alliance - Double ●●● The Liberated Mind 94
Contract Killer
2 Asset 3 Hostile ●●●● System Core 2019 127
8 Ice 4 Code Gate Crimson Dust 120
Corporate Hospitality
4 Operation 1 Double - Transaction ●● Rebellion Without Rehearsal 103
Corporate Oversight A
2 Agenda 0 Initiative Terminal Directive Campaign 13
Corporate Oversight B
2 Agenda 0 Initiative Terminal Directive Campaign 14
Corporate Sales Team
4 Agenda 2 Expansion Business First 37
Corporate Shuffle
0 Operation Double ●● Double Time 113
Corporate Town
1 Asset 5 ●● System Update 2021 74
Corporate Troubleshooter
0 Upgrade 2 System Update 2021 49
Corporate War
4 Agenda 2 Expansion Future Proof 120
Cortex Lock
2 Ice 4 Sentry - AP ●● The Valley 14
CPC Generator
0 Asset 2 Advertisement ●●● Station One 34
1 Ice 3 Code Gate ●●● Breaker Bay 34
Crisis Management
3 Agenda 1 Security 23 Seconds 18
Crisium Grid
3 Upgrade 5 Region System Update 2021 79
CSR Campaign
2 Asset 2 Advertisement Downfall 64
Curtain Wall
14 Ice 6 Barrier ●● True Colors 78